Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pelosi idiocy

The 2nd smartest woman in America
I tried this Drudge link last night without success, today there is at least a "Page not found" statement. I'm sure there's an explanation for this, other than the obvious - which is CNN printed another Pelosi quote that further proves what a mewling beef-witted egg-shell is this leader of the House democrats, and received entreaties to remove it, which CNN of course is too happy to do ... that is, take one for the team.


Anonymous said...

i looked for this as well...

seen her say it repeatedly, and i actually wrote to a few media outlets, (like Fox News to ask if they would discuss it on their 'all star' panel).

bottom line, if Iraq is a major part of the GWOT, which it is, then we stay and kick butt, period.

if Pelosi - Democrats are right, which they are not, then we leave, period.

either way, the Media Outlets seem perfectly willing to discuss whether Iraq is in a Civil War, but not whether it is a battle in the GWOT.

maybe they take this for granted, but some Conservative Pundits do no one in this Country by not repeatedly reminding everyone that Iraq is the front line in the GWOT.

are they afraid to discuss it?
or just too dishonest?

hell, the incoming Speaker is still telling everyone it is not, and the President is saying it is, but you cannot find the MSM mentioning or debating these two different positions at all.

Anonymous said...

Conservative Pundits, 'do no one a favor', by...

Anonymous said...

I think this is the money quote to which Drudge referred:

Anonymous said...

Speaker of The House. God save us alive.

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