Friday, November 10, 2006

Vicious people

When dealing with animals

''With the Senate hanging in the balance both Conrad Burns and George Allen have done the right thing by conceding their respective races. Hopefully, they have set an example for future politicians in close elections - who lose - of how true statesman and patriots should respect the will of voters and not engage lawyers and the courts in blatant attempts to hold on to power.

''Politicians who deliberately and cynically undermine the faith in our elective process do great damage to this country for cheap short-term political gain. Respect for the rule of law and the willingness to live with heartbreaking defeats is critical to the long-term well being of our democratic system of government.'' -Allen Does the Right Thing

That's all true, and very gentlemanly John.  Except, when you're dealing with committed ideologues - be they communists, Islamo radicals, democrats, or any man eater on the scent, acting in a civil matter will mean the end of you. The notion that Democrats will respond in kind is preposterous. The only thing they understand is the maul.

I've had this ["Report: Bush dropped ball in ethics probes"] bookmarked for years, because it struck me then as a fatal flaw in Dubyah's makeup.  His dad lived by the same code.  In 1992 the Justice Department had the goods on the Clintons, and without the power of the Presidency to protect them, both would certainly have been imprisoned along with everyone else involved in the Madison Guaranty fraud, and watched the 1993 Inauguration from a prison cell.  (In March of '92, Resolution Trust Corp produced the first (of ten) criminal referrals related to Madison Bank.  The lead criminal investigator on the case was Jean Lewis. In March of 1993 President Clinton fired all career U.S. Attorneys, and  then Jean Lewis.  "The Special Committee's Whitewater Report").  

The verdict of history will be that this was the time to start breaking things.


Anonymous said...

We are who we are because we were who we were. Shame he screwed up(Bush Sr). What's the statute of limitations on that? We NEED someone, 08's coming, who will clean house, and make the guilty pay. Clontons still need jail time, that file must be somewhere, the ME still needs hit HARD, soon as we've got people with balls we can do that. America, WAKE UP! We may have to wait a bit, but all is NOT lost. Biding time, biding time.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nothing has been lost, it will just require a good deal of committed response to set things right.

cmblake6 said...

Agreed, not lost. But it's sure as hell gonna get mangled. We must try to maintain the good, identify and prevent/control the bad, and pray it doesn't get totally fubar.

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