Monday, December 11, 2006

commercials in the 80's

The 50 Greatest Commercials of the ’80s
I surfed through all 50 commercials looking for what was the most evocative of that era for me.  I'll be honest, I don't remember any of the offerings I watched., and believe me, any commercial showing bare boobage in 1980, as the Pepsi commercial does,  would have been memorable.  I thought maybe the Colt 45 commercial would do it, but instead of the spot using actual footage of a bull charging into the table guy, there's a Red Foxx version I never saw.  Based on what I looked at, I'm going with the Commodore VIC-20 commercial.  I don't remember that either, but it does smell of 80's culture.  I'm going to guess that this is a British deal, given the boob shot (which is standard fare on GB telly). Wasn't "Where's the Beef" a 1980's commercial?  Yup, they don't have Wendy's over there, so it's gotta be Brit.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! How could they miss the "where's the beef" ad? HolySh*t it was the backbone of the Mondale/Ferraro campaign when Regan's win swept over them like the mudslide they deserved!! I voted for the Great Gipper--twice! God love Ronnie Regan, SR. Juice

Anonymous said...

New Coke defined, If it ain't broke...don' try 'n..... I forgot all about that fiasco.

Anonymous said...

I remember most of the comercials and I would be less than truthful if I did not say there was a couple of the Madonna songs that I enjoyed just a couple! but I cannot even remember there names.Then i think did this woman or has this woman left anything positive for the culture or has she in anyway uplifted the human condition? I think quite the contrary if anything she has deminished it mostly for very young girls that look up to such a flawed person and want to emulate her.Now she has given money to some good causes I believe but does that mitigate the damage she has done to the young and gullible. Probably not and I do not believe Kabala or cabootie or what ever rock she is whorshiping this week will ease her mind or spirit. She choose to abandon the faith she was raised in searching for something and she searchs hard it would appear. I believe in time she will come to learn what she is looking for was right in front of her all the time and he never did forsake her.

Anonymous said...

I followed your link and there was a second set of 50 they've put up. In that group you will find the 'Where's the Beef' ad.


El Jefe said...

Good LAWD! Don't you bemember the Colt 45 one where the dude is on a raft in the ocean?

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