scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 28, 2006
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
* Carly Fiorina
12/28/06, 11:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodger do you think it is that most men won't vote for ANY woman or is it THOSE women? Hillary is just so hated for herself that I'm not sure her sex has much to do with it.
What about say, Ann Coulter or Condi Rice?
12/28/06, 12:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Excellent prognostication from coach Dave.
12/28/06, 12:18 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I would have voted for Jeane Kirkpatrick, and will vote for Condi Rice if she runs. Ann Coulter is a wet dream that cannot materialize, sigh. She's better suited to the job of, say, prefect. Yes. I'll make her prefect, and have her report to you. I think men see Hillary as a manipulative bitch, and that's what will kill her - unless the Ross Perot strategy works for her. Eek.
12/28/06, 12:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Sad but a possibility. And it's possible exactly because of conservatives like Jack. Jack will not vote for Rudy because Rudy has some socially liberal views. He'll sit on his hands on election day or vote for a "true" conservative running as a 3rd. party candidate.
There be whales. It'll get HRC elected, sure as shit.
I can't stand McCain but I wouldn't, in a million years, consider sitting out the election because he was the Republican nominee. As a matter of fact, it doesn't matter who the Republicans run, I will vote for him.
Personally, I like Rudy for one reason and that is the most important one. He will kick Islamofascism ass. All else doesn't matter a whit. We are in a death struggle with these murderers and I know Rudy will do the job.
It going to be hard enough as the MSM trips all over itself touting HRC. If McCain is looking like he won't get the nod, you can count on the MSM to urge him to run as a 3rd party candidate and just as surely they will push a Rudy nomination knowing there are conservatives like Jack. Conservatives like Jack will get HRC elected and than all of our conservative principles are going right down the crapper.
MM -
12/28/06, 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...
great article...
thanks Jack and Mr. S... -
12/28/06, 1:47 PM
Anonymous said...
You almost seem to make that a personal attack I would have thought better of you. The War on Terror is with out doubt very important. But just as important is saving our country from the silent invasion that is coming from south of the border. Rudy is for amnesty and the open border. There is simply not that much difference between Hillary and Rudy on the issues. It is just not a few social issues it is all of them not to mention the fact that Rudy would appoint liberal judges. I do not hold your support for Rudy against you that is your choice. My country means more to me than the Republican party. It is as I stated not just me that holds these convictions but millions of Americans to condemn us all makes no sense. there are other choices that can defeat Hillary. I would say that it is a very long way to the convention and nothing is written in stone. I remember Bush 41 had a change of heart regarding abortion when he went on the Reagan ticket and he has maintained that change till this day. It would be trying if we had a democrat elected President but we have survived it before. if convictions and principals mean nothing and can just be dumped for political expedancy then I be lieve we would be no better than the Clintons or Teddy Kennedy. still respect your opinion and wish you the best but I will be no ones door mat. -
12/28/06, 1:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I would also add that this is the democrat plan. But we all know the old adage about the best laid plans of men. I personally do not believe McCain would run on a third party ticket. He would understand it would be a futile exercise.
12/28/06, 1:52 PM
Anonymous said...
I have said a hundred times I would vote for Kirkpatrick. I would coronate Ann Coulter. That might be it the answer. make Coulter Queen and we live under a benevolent monarchy. Can we do this by affirmation?
12/28/06, 2:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I have not posted this much on here ever. But I have to add three conservative canidates will set them self apart from the others and will command a lot of attention. Mike Huckabee, Newt Gengrich and Mitt Romney. all are capable of defeating Hillary.
12/28/06, 2:23 PM
Anonymous said...
There are 3 conservative canidates or will be canidates that will garner a lot of support. Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Rominey. Either of these men could defeat Hillary.i know that Newt has some baggage but if you have not been following his writing the man has come a very long way and is with out doubt a man vision.
12/28/06, 2:34 PM
Anonymous said...
opps i thought the first one failed sorry.
12/28/06, 2:36 PM
Anonymous said...
That was definitely not a personal attack Jack.
My principles are important to me too. I'm pragmatic though, I would rather have half a loaf(Rudy) than nothing. And with a President HRC AND all the various coalitions that she will bring with her(NEA, NARAL, FAIR...), you can kiss any progress from the right good effing bye.
Are you happy with Bush's domestic policies? I sure am not. But he put 2 excellent men on the Supreme Court. Sitting out the next election will have LOOOONG term consequences. Higher taxes, more Federal money for education, higher FICA taxes and lower benefits, moving closer to socialized medicine...
And that leaves out the most important issue and that is combating these Islamofascists. Nothing else matters. Private SS accounts aren't going to mean squat if Al-Queda sets off a half dozen radiological bombs in our cities. Who would go to work? Our economy would tank.
A functioning country is the first thing you gotta have to exercise those principles. Any democrat president is not going to protect us and it's GD silly not to vote for the Republican candidate because they aren't with you on evrything. Or even anything but the most important.
I like Romney, maybe he'll get the nod. I like Allen, dittos. But it just doesn't matter as long as they have an R after their name. In '00, I loved Quayle. A more true blue, smart, conservative you could not find. He lost. I still voted Bush. IMO, Quayle would have been an excellent president. Too bad for me
MM -
12/28/06, 5:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I think you would be pleasantly surprised by a Rudy presidency. I have seen a couple interviews with him and he did support legalizing the illegals here, but he also said the first thing is to seal the border. Also, his view on judges was "How can you not appoint a strict constructionalist judge, especially the way things are now?" He also was very praising of the tax cuts that have been passed. Now, we have been deceived before, but for some reason, I trust Rudy when he says those things. Yes, he marched in a gay pride parade. So did my son. Yes, his marriage history is a Springer episode. But he tamed the toughest city in the country and he did it well. He has shown great leadership skills and if he keeps repeating his intention of good judges (he had high praise for Alito and Roberts) and his intention of sealing the border, he'll walk into office easily.
12/28/06, 6:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I do not want to see a bomb of any kind go off in any city but a so called radialogical bomb or dirty bomb would not have that much of an effect. But that is beside the point. No the WOT is not the only thing that matters. As I stated before the silent invasion from Mexico is every bit as important. A democrat President would not be allowed to surrender the country to the death cult regardless of who they are. They would be impeached with in a matter of a day. Rudy would bring all those coalitions you speak of as well.No i would not refuse to vote for a canidate because they are not with me on everything but it would be nice if they were with on at least a couple of things. I realize that Rudy is the guy you support right now but he in no way is a conservative or does he represent conservative values. I really do not think the man can get the nomination anyway. I would settle for half a loaf possibly but with Rudy you get no where near that. I want what is best for my country I have a lot invested in it. there definately would be no progress from the right with Rudy no more than there would be with Hillary. I respect Rudy and he is honest but he is a flaming liberal. My personal convictions and principals stand for something Nor do i consider the slaughter of a million and a half unborn babies every year unimportant. I am glad you said that was not a personal attack because it sure sounded like one. I agree with you in regard to Quayle as well. It is way to early to say who will get the nod. But anyone that writes Newt off would be making a bad mistake. The man has a vision for America and I have not heard it put forth like he does in a very long time. By the way Happy new Year.
12/28/06, 7:01 PM
Anonymous said...
12/28/06, 7:33 PM
- Chap said...
That link is just...beautiful.
Thanks. -
12/28/06, 8:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Rudy is anti second amendment, for allowing illegals to stay, have benefits and rights. He is for gay rights and abortion on demand, Rudy may be a republican but he certainly isn't any more conservative than McCain.
The only people who would be pleasantly surprised by Rudy would be the liberals.
If anyone doubts his stance on illegals then take a peek at his own words from this page produced by Friends of Rudy Giuliani.
http://www.ibisnetwork.com/giuliani/text/immig.html -
12/28/06, 9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Inre: 3rd party spoilers - Along with term limits on Congress we need a Constitutional Amendment that calls for a runoff between the top two candidates if no candidate gets a majority.
For lack of this, we were subjected to eight years of the Clinton Terror, and those SOBs are still too close to power for comfort.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/28/06, 9:32 PM
Anonymous said...
The fact is that Rudy is not even close to McCain.He is a staunch supporters of homosexual special rights and every other liberal cause. I do not believe that he would appoint constructionist judges he would surround himself with people of like mind and they would brig him judges that think like them as well.Not to mention that he is pro abortion.
12/29/06, 6:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Good article. I'm not so articulate or much of a deep thinker, but there wasn't really anything there I didn't already know. Does anyone here really think that Shama Lama Ding Dong really has a ghost of a chance to get the nod from the party that thinks that blacks can't accomplish anything without a leg up from the government? The Hilda Beast has been their annointed one for this election for almost a decade. She has spent that time laying the groundwork by laying low and mostly keeping her fowl mouth shut so she could pretend to be a moderate to that majority who don't pay much attention to politics.
Those analogies about Hillary are apt and really puts the finger on her fatal flaw, but they don't really have much to do with sexism. I've had some female bosses that were terrific to work for and I have had many that he was refering to, the type that had to make sure that you were aware that they were the boss every minute of every day. My dislike of Hillary has nothing to do with her sex. If the Packs could come up with a carbon copy of... oh say, Margaret Thatcher, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat with nary a thought as to her gender.
I'm really sick of the talk of McCain as a viable canditate. This was started by the left because, in their eyes, he is the most reasonable Republican. This is understandable as he is the walking definition of a RINO, but now they have even us talking as though he could actually get the nomination. If the Packs have any principles left this will never happen. OTOH, I wouldn't be too shocked if they caved to the media and did nominate the turd. I have no idea who will ultimately get the nod, but I don't think it will be Newt or Mitt because the GOP just doesn't have the stones anymore, if they ever did. One thing I'll say, if McCain does get the nod, I'll be shopping for a third party candidtate because I won't vote for a Democrat especially one pretending to be a Republican. Anyone else they nominate I'll vote for but not McCain.
GrinfilledCelt -
12/29/06, 5:20 PM
Anonymous said...
McCain could get the nomination he should never be counted out. I believe if Newt runs people will be very suprised by this man there is a difference in him now than when he was just a congressman and even as Speaker of the House. The way he was done and falsely prosecuted by the democrappers is beyound common decency. He was completely exonnerated. As for Mit I have to do some more studying on him. But he would make I believe a very tough canidate. It is my hope we nominate a man or woman that is for upholding the constitution. I have even left out the fact that Rudy even opposes private gun ownership. That will kill him in the south as well as a lot of the midwesten states. The Republican canidate who ever he is must carry the solid south to have a chance. Rudy will never be able to do that with his support for open borders, pro Homosexual marriage and anti gun record. But as I have stated I respect the man for what he did do in an insane place like NY. I have worked there and it is insane.But Rudy is best suited to running a large city. I do not think he is Presidential timber. I believe a President nedds to have an abiding love of the constitution and all amendments, the Declaration and the Bill of rights. As long as we adhere to the principals set forth in those documents and keep faith with our creator I do not believe we can fail.
12/29/06, 7:03 PM