Monday, January 01, 2007

ABC News use of ''sic''

Sic MoFos
The sense of entitlement, moral superiority, and downright chutzpah that are marks of  Progressive (sic) thinkers everywhere knows no boundary. Mark Finkelstein  espied this example while watching ABC News' account of Army Specialist Dustin Donica's death - the 3000th American warrior to lose his/her life in the war on terror. 

During the Vietnam War, much of the news Americans saw on the, blessedly short,  nightly news was decided by Columbia University interns.  They sifted through that day's thousand miles of film footage, and plucked 60 seconds of the most damaging (to the USA) shots they could find.  News writers tailored that evening's script to those scenes, which were then delivered as gospel by a news reader like Walter Cronkite.  So it was that hippies became heroes, and soldiers despicable baby killers

I don't know if it was a Chyron  operator who made that editorial comment - using ''sic'' in the quote about belief in an afterlife (that is shared by 88% of Americas), or one of the news writers.  What matters is the insidious nature by which a hand full of elitist media liberals can undermine the American culture from every front.  So, if you're wondering why I chopped off Nancy Pelosi's head, that's why.  It's my editorial comment on the state of the Union. SIC semper.


Anonymous said...

I really believe these people hate our country. They are also perceived by the dim witted to be for the little guy when in fact they hold the common man in contempt. There vision is absolute control much the way the Soviet system tried to control.

Anonymous said...

The scum in the MSM never miss a trick.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder-- if the writer had said something referring to paradise or their 72 virgins if it would have received the same editorial comment?

I'm guessing not- that wouldn't be politically correct.


Anonymous said...

Let's start off the New Year with the same old saw.

THE biggest problem in America is the MSM.

Their constant skewing of news is always, and that is always biased to the left. God, give us bias vs. bias. Let the conservative side just get a hearing. Here is a perfect example. How in world can the left be "pro choice" when it comes to abortion and not vouchers and education and not be ridiculed to the high heavens? The elites send their children to private schools and relagate everyone else to the pitiful public schools. You know the reason. It's the MSM. Constanly spouting the NEA's line, making it GOSPEL. More money, smaller classes, rain forest math, history books from another dimension, the list goes on, the MSM demands these things and yet test scores keep tanking. And than the GD tests are blamed!

And than the omissions! Always biased to the left. Sometimes what isn't reported is more damaging. Hell look at Iraq. Focus on IEDs, American deaths, offhanded praise of the insurgents. Leave out the great sucess in the north, not ONE American death and NO terorist attacks, the growing and vibrant Iraqi economy, the overall safety in most of the country. It's no wonder that an ever increasing portion of our country is souring with this daily dose of bad news. And forget about hearing about the real problem there, which are the Iranian funded militias. Just stay in the green zone and rely on those trustworthy anonymous stringers.

Finally, you've got the out right nutters. The ones that don't even attempt to mask their bias. Matthews, Obermann, Lauer, Gumbel. Day after day, even to me who doesn't watch a minute of this garbage on TV, on the net, I see the bile these moonbats expel in snippets.

It's insidious. I avoid TV like the plague but during football season I'll watch the Broncos and enevidably some local news will get viewed. It's like a training ground for the alphabets. Even these backwater news readers here, always spout the left's side.

Taking criminal's side over the cops, blowing past our great economy, record tax revenue and the benefits of lower tax rates, illegal immigration, the poor murderers getting the death penalty with nary an afterthought to the victim(even Saddam got this!!!), name it. If Washington, Adams or Jackson would be spinning in their graves, than you can bet your last dime that the left and the MSM is on the other side.

Who made them the boss anyway? I must have missed that.

OK. I'll go sit down now

Anonymous said...

What could possibly motivate this kind of disregard for truth and contempt for Americanism? Yeah, it could be something political or philisophical; but those should be correctable by adult logic in the face of facts. I'm no psychiatrist, so I can't decide whether it's megalomania, narcissism, or a superiority complex; so, I'll give you an engineer's diagnosis: un-asskicked juvenile rebellion. You know... they're brats.

Anonymous said...

The alphabet "evening news" have been money losers for the networks since hector was a pup. Therefore, the only reason for these bile generators is to convey the message of management. Same goes for PBS / NPR, only worse because your tax money funds them.

The only way to fight them is to bleed them to death. Tell the companies that advertise on these networks why you and your family won't be buying their products or services. The same goes for investing, if your money guy is told why you won't own a stock, fund, etc. they'll pass the info. on after two or three people complain. Tell your local PBS station why you won't be makeing a contribution and then tell your congress nitwit why PBS / NPR ought to be cable-satelite entities.[It will just confuse most of them.]

I'm not suggesting a boycott of any kind, just make a decision to put you money where your values are.

Anonymous said...

sick now to my stomach...


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