Friday, January 26, 2007

Annie C - I Am Woman

My Indulgence

According to the famed "polls" — or, as I call them, "surveys of uninformed people who think it's possible to get the answer wrong" — Hillary is the current front-runner for the Democrats. Other than the massive case of narcolepsy her name inspires, this would cause me not the slightest distress — except for the fact that the Republicans' current front-runners are John McCain and Rudy Giuliani.

Fortunately, polls at this stage are nothing but name recognition contests, so please stop asking me to comment on them. "Arsenic" and "proctologist" have sky-high name recognition going for them, too.

In January, two years before the 2000 presidential election, the leading Republican candidate in New Hampshire was ... Liddy Dole (WMUR-TV/CNN poll, Jan. 12, 1999). In the end, Liddy Dole's most successful run turned out to be a mad dash from her husband Bob after he accidentally popped two Viagras.

At this stage before the 1992 presidential election, the three leading Democratic candidates were, in order: Mario Cuomo, Jesse Jackson and Lloyd Bentsen (Public Opinion Online, Feb. 21, 1991).

Only three months before the 1988 election, William Schneider cheerfully reported in The National Journal that Michael Dukakis beat George Herbert Walker Bush in 22 of 25 polls taken since April of that year. Bush did considerably better in the poll taken on Election Day.

The average poll respondent reads the above information and immediately responds that the administrations of presidents Cuomo, Dole and Dukakis were going in "the wrong direction."


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reality bath. Badly needed, that.

Anonymous said...

I posted that quote from Ann earlier. She understands what a Rudy candidacy would mean.

Anonymous said...

I'm under the impression that it means the "same-old, same-old".

Anonymous said...

I think it'd be fun to do a "man in the street" interview session, asking people for their thoughts on the Dukakis presidency. (Doubtless, a few people will respond with "what? Dukakis lost!" congratulate them on not being an idiot and send them on their way. As for the rest, tell them "You know, the guy right after JimmahCarter, but before Reagan...") Ask them about the good points as well as the bad, what they liked about Dukakis, etc. and then just sit back and watch the Parade of Stupidty. It should be a riot!
-- Jack

Anonymous said...

The only "Republican" candidates I heard mentioned this a.m. were Guliani and McCain.

Billary is looking like the most right of center candidate...

Why don't the pollsters ask some meaningful questions like: "Can the GOP be more stupid?"

Anonymous said...

I'm almost ashamed to know this, Rodger, but that's the second time you've posted a pic of Samantha P from you-know-where-web.

The first time she had Ann Coulter's face photoshopped on. I kinda like her the way she is, but it's your trip.

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