Sunday, January 07, 2007


I do have noticeable hearing loss.  Loud band music, pistol, rifle and grenade booms - experienced without ear protection - have taken a toll. But, the single biggest cause - and this is just my guess - was the result of caps.  Do they still sell them? (Yes)  I received a huge box of them once, and took them out to the alley where I took a hammer to an entire roll at once.  Did all 50 rolls.  My ears actually hurt, and it was more than a 2-3 days before the ringing stopped and I could hear normally again.  Can still remember the smell.  I love it.  I wanted a Mattel ''Fanner 50,'' but by the time it was marketed I was a grandfather.  That's my story.                 


Anonymous said...

In the Mattel 50 article they mention the Stallion 45. Somewhere in the late 40's I had one.Beautiful toy.Sorta pain to load as it had six bullets that had to be loaded with it's own cap,but it was soooo realistic.Real leather holster came with it.Sure wish I had it today.Somewhere along the line it disappeared from my Mom's cedar chest.I asked her where it went and she thought a younger cousin got it.Oh well.I know he must have had a lot of fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, caps, haven't thought of them in forever. We used to have plenty of them, my brothers and I. Always sneaking around corners, shooting each other. And of course we did the light them all on fire and whack them with a hammer routines also.
Then we graduated to M80's and M100's: The ones that could really set up a geyser in the neighbor's pool.
Caps. I want a new cap gun. With real caps. To bring to work. Coz that's real gunpowder.

El Jefe said...

Used to LOVE those 'grenades' 'cause I could chuck 'em over the neighbors' house and they'd wonder what the Hell happened!

Anonymous said...

Yep loved the cap guns growing up. GGMy sister went to ToysRus and ask where they kept there cowboy outfits and cap guns so she could get one for her grand son. The sales girl called a lady manager over who started lecturing her about the fact they did not carry those items for all the politically correct garbage. Now my sis is the kind of woman when she was attack by a guy trying to steal from her she took her shoe off and beat him in the head till he was bloody and running for his life. She looked at the woman and said you are simply an idiot and walked out.

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