Sunday, January 28, 2007

French Rasists

What's the English word for ''hypocrite?"
The French Socialist Party has voted to expel party leader Georges Freche for saying there are too many black players on the national soccer team.  ''Progressives'' agreed that these were not the sentiments of a ''good socialist,"  and out he went.  Freche was also recently fined $19,000 for describing Algerians who fought on France's side in the Algerian war of independence as sub-human.

Here's a clue camarades. Monsieur Freche's remarks, vis-à-vis the players, are gauche by anyone's standards.  Still, the man ought to have the right to say what he thinks, but  free speech is not the Euro way.  Are we to believe that this public slur was shocking to the other commies? I'm pretty certain that, over the years, Freche has amused his fellows at the annual Brie and Truffle Roast with plenty of racist jokes - without complaint.

Anyway, we must assume that our own French Socialist would have the USofA adopt these very values, and avoid being the  "international pariah" we have evidently become.

Yay for us.  USA! UAS! USA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is nice to know this idiot will never be POTUS...

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