scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, January 27, 2007
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Nancy Sheeler had the clap? Damn. When?
1/27/07, 1:27 PM
- gregor said...
I usually don't solicite traffic on my blog, but I posted my feelings about an equally disturbing image I found and I'm taking a lot of heat from some French folks. I guess I can't be insulted, but they can. Chaps my ass.
http://sadoldgoth.blogspot.com/2007/01/theyre-french.html -
1/27/07, 7:32 PM
- gregor said...
Hey, Rog, do you know what advertising agency did this campaign?
1/27/07, 8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Roger, MTV is so friggin f-ed up its absurd. The agency that did these ads are in the same sewer pit as they are. If I hear another person griping about aids I'm going to personally put them out of their misery. Because the humans of this world have no responsibility and take a alternat lifestyle "somebodyelse" should pay for it. I understand the 'nuances' of the disease and how it spreads and there are some who have no control, but damnit. It is a homosexual disease that's been around and originaly spread by them. Now I'd like to see a Lib troll come along and call me homophobic, intolerant, Bible thumping, conservative Re-thug-lican so I whip their asses too.
1/27/07, 8:54 PM
Anonymous said...
LLoyd is right. You can add to this that there are ever mutating strains of AIDS that become resistant to the medicines that have been devoloped to inhibit it's destructive effect. As the new meds became more sucessful the more homosexuals went back to there anything goes ways. The bath houses were reopened and and it is spreading faster than ever. They scream and rant for a cure but there will never be a cure. There has never been a cure for a virus.
Yet while so many others die with cancer heart desease it is aids that gets the attention because these people yell the loudest. The closest thing to a cure is there conduct.
Ashs to Ahs Dust to Dust stick with women and stay with us. -
1/28/07, 6:03 AM