scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, January 05, 2007
Scrapple face and a real editor
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I saw her picture in the news today, "flexing her muscles" as she took the speaker's chair: http://images.washtimes.com/photos/full/20070104-093215-5351.jpg
My first thought was "There's the epitome of a 'Botox Smile'". -
1/5/07, 2:47 PM
Anonymous said...
She and harry have already sent a letter to the commander and Chief and President of this country demanding that he not send any further troops to Iraq. They are detemined that the terrorist defeat us.
1/5/07, 2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
spilled the afternoon coffee...
such is the fun on C&S, but at least this time, it was not out the nose.
it is sad, isn't Jack...
but me thinks, this letter to the President, was merely last minute cover for the growing sense of the LIBERAL FOLLY who supports the 'Pelosi-Clinton-Kerry-Reid' fiasco, known as the Democrat Party.
the moonbats who push the Lamonts are a little confused now, as to why the vast majority of the Democrats in office are not pushing for the surrender of the USA in Iraq, especially in their 100 day image thing.
this letter is probably just a little sugar to keep the loons in line.
it would be no surprise, to think the Sheehan kooks foolishly believed the slander, undermining, sabotage, of the effort in Iraq, was something more than a desperate grasp for power.
hell, the vast majority of these dishonest Democrats voted for the mission in Iraq, and their lack of action to pull funding, suggests they either don't have the support in Congress to abandon Iraq, the mission is worthy for the USA & the future of the Free World after all, it is not as bad as they have made it out to be, or the vast majority of Americans aren't interested in 'running away'.
maybe a little of everything, including, Democrats in Office simply don't care. -
1/5/07, 3:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Dang, I missed D'Cuntessa as I was completely reloading my computer and that kept me busy for two days...I sorta wanted to catch her act and watch her "bogart" the microphone.
1/5/07, 4:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Is it possible to get the full list of the offended? Also like to get full details of issuing "immeasurable pain" out to these people....I wanna help.
1/6/07, 6:13 AM
Anonymous said...
The more I think about it,the better I like it.Don't you agree that it is a great movie title...."THE OFFENDED"...See the victims of satire, in their torment!...See the brave member of the press come to the rescue!...See the vile satirist try to defend himself from the righteous Liberals!....Next week in this theatre,along with news reel and cartoon.Be sure to stop at our swell snackbar!
1/6/07, 10:44 AM