scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sullivan falls for Hillary
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
this fool AS(S), knows how to get onto those Democrat talk shows, promoted like news round tables.
kiss Democrat rumps...
the funny thing is, did AS(S), believe Hillary Rodham, when she declared only two months ago, that she hadn't really voted to authorize force in Iraq, but merely wanted to influence the UN?
remember when she displayed the NY POST on the floor of the Senate, only a few months after 9-11?
the one that had that conspiracy headline, wondering if Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened?
her ugly use of the word 'plantation' on MLK day, only to have Democrats run Congress now, like Chavez runs his prison of a Country?
AS(S) is exactly why terrorists have hope in places like Iraq... -
1/21/07, 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...
AS(S) indeed! I like that nickname HNAV!
Several years ago I used to read him regularly and then when it to where all he did was rant about gay marriage I stopped. Reading his blog was like watching someone go insane in slow motion and after awhile I couldn't watch any longer.
I think it says volumes about MSM though that so many continue to refer to him as a 'conservative'.
1/21/07, 1:18 PM
Anonymous said...
That is about as well stated as it ever could be.
1/21/07, 1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks, Rodger. I've been looking for an apt phrase for what I foresee women in the U.S. doing to justify voting for (she whose name I refuse to say) for president. "Bite of the apple" works well. I fear many women will vote for her just because she is? a woman.
(the ? is not a mistake)
mary -
1/21/07, 2:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I think Andy went a little deep in his snoz excavation and removed some grey matter.
1/21/07, 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...
That picture,except for the missing mustache,looks like a young Joseph Stalin.
1/21/07, 9:26 PM
Anonymous said...
And this idiot believes she's somehow CHANGED? Ms. Rodham is the same as she's always been. This is a carefully calculated "new persona" that has only one goal: to help her get back into 1600 PA Ave., this time in the driver's seat. Then you'll see her return to her true character- and with a vengeance. I used to think what's coming could be prevented, but it can't. So, bring it on.
1/21/07, 9:36 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
*bangs head*
1/21/07, 9:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Now that Hillary is "official" the one who should be worried is Bubba. I predict Bubba will die of a "heart attack" giving Hillary complete immunity for the White House years and also letting the MSM bring the heat down on anyone asking her a hard question because they are attacking "that poor grieving widow". Granted she will still be "The strongest woman in America" at the same time.
You heard it here first. -
1/22/07, 12:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Terry McAuliffe is her campaign manager. That should tell you plenty.
They may have the mud-slinger working already, being credited by Insight magazine with a hit-piece pointing out that "Barry" Hussein Obama spent years in an Indonesian madrassa. The MSM has largely chosen to ignore this, so far. Obama's defense: it wasn't a "radical" madrassa.
It raises an interesting issue, though: One becomes a Muslim by reciting the Shahadah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam#Shahadah
Doubtless Obama recited the Shahadah many times at the madrassa. In that case, it stands to reason that he's either now a closet Muslim, or has renounced it. According to sharia, the penalty for apostasy is death. I'd like a clarification from Obama, before we see a fatwa declared upon him. -
1/22/07, 1:30 PM