Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ad copy

Marketing 103
This is not a good ad ...

We don't know what she's selling.


Anonymous said...

Pretty clear what she's selling...we just don't know what the product is. Or am I just shaving hairs here?

Anonymous said...

Rodge, she's selling exactly what she's displaying... ~~Power~~
Power = control.

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, I want two.

Anonymous said...

"Whatever it is, I want two."

Well, you're going to get two anyway. The boots only come in pairs... :P

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Some sort of Brazil inducung mechanism?

Anonymous said...

Mouse hole covers. Rechargable digital mouse hole covers.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The greatest power on earth, Juice, no doubt about it.

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