scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Coke and D'Sousa
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
They can all line and lick my bag. First the left side, and then the right. Then the left, and then the right. Left, right. Left, right. Ect.
Tim -
2/18/07, 8:01 PM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Sounds like an Aussie accent to me. Doubt they'd show that on TV here.
2/18/07, 8:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Speaking of Dinesh D'Souza (author of "What's so Great About America", and others) - he was discussing his new book "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and its Responsibility for 9/11". It was broadcast on public radio, which really, really surprised me. I knew of D'Souza as a great writer, but he's a super lecturer. I don't agree entirely with him (I'm more of the "nuke 'em now" crowd) but he's and engaging, thoughtful analyst and I really enjoyed the speech. About 50m in duration.
Direct link to RealMedia speech: http://www.publicradio.org/tools/media/player/wordforword/2007/02/09
--Jon -
2/18/07, 8:58 PM
Anonymous said...
As Richard Pryor said of Bill Cosby."Shut the fuck up, and have a coke."
2/19/07, 1:35 PM
- Howard said...
Flat chested bitches with English accents who drink Diet Coke are a menace to the entire fucking world, as anybody but you would know.
2/19/07, 2:06 PM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Aussie accent Howard. At least get the right hemisphere ;-)
2/19/07, 7:15 PM