Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Democrats Investment In Defeat

The Democrats Investment In Defeat
I read this Investor's Business Daily article yesterday.  It gained poignancy with the release of  survey results by the National Survey by Public Opinion Strategies that show "Americans want to win in Iraq, and that they understand Iraq is the central point in the war against terrorism and they can support a U.S. strategy aimed at achieving victory."

So, the battle lines are set.  What an incredible scenario.  The congressional party in power must engineer an American defeat, or they'll be reduced to rubble themselves, and they go against the tide of public opinion as they try it. JFC!  This may be the time to sell them short.
Politics: Democrats are betting everything on President Bush losing in Iraq, a disgrace in itself. But if they lose instead, they'll find themselves a one-issue party, thoroughly discredited, with nothing to fall back on.

    The Democrat-controlled Congress may think it won a huge victory over the president Friday. The House voted 246-182 on a nonbinding resolution opposing the troop surge in Iraq, with 17 Republicans joining the anti-war Democrats.


    The latest reports suggest a remarkably swift response to our new military strategy under counterinsurgency expert Gen. David Petraeus in his new position as commander of our forces in Iraq.
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, speaking to Bush in a video conference call, described last week™s joint offensive in Baghdad by U.S. and Iraqi forces, which met minimal resistance, as a œbrilliant success.�


    Viewed from even the most cautious of perspectives, this is extraordinarily early good news. But congressional Democrats seem oblivious to it all.
    Go to the site and you'll find a photo of Democratic Rep. John Murtha conducting œan exclusive online briefing� Thursday for the most radical anti-war protesters. Murtha discussed œhis strategy to use the president's Iraq funding request to stop the surge and begin the redeployment of troops from Iraq.�

    So far, Democratic leaders have not actually tried to defund operations in Iraq ” though both Pelosi and Murtha have suggested they may soon try. But as appearances go, what difference is there? Pelosi's best pal is actively involved in assisting the most powerful advocacy groups for surrender in the central battlefront in the global war on terror.
    If the early military gains we've seen continue, and if we actually turn things around and are able to leave Iraq having established a stable representative government, what will the Pelosis and the Murthas, and their counterparts in the Senate such as Harry Reid, say? So fully have they committed themselves to losing that, should we win, they can take no credit whatsoever.
    Having thus stuck their necks out, they will have been politically decapitated. They'll return in the minds of the public to being the party of higher taxes, out-of-control entitlement programs that they refuse to fix, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and every other item in the far-left playbook.
    The Democrats last week may just have voted themselves a oneway ticket back to the political wilderness and minority status. [Full Article]


Anonymous said...



Howard said...

There is no question that the "surge" will work over the short term; more of us with better technology wins battles every time.....but wars???? I agree that the Democrats have pained themselves into a corner, but the fucking Republicans do zero; like zippo. We need to find attractive conservative candidates to run in '-08 and we have to do it yesterday. The same tired old farts tilting against Hillary and Big Government ain't gunna cut it.

The real question on the surge is will the Iraqi government stand up and deliver and will the Iraqi police and army go out and kick ass or will they make kissy face with their tribal shieks?

Anonymous said...

Great picture!..Pull the average Democrat out of his tree,give him a total body Brazil and he or she is almost human....Looking, anyway.

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