Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dok Kiss

Yeah, she was a real dog, but once I got to know her ...


Anonymous said...

Democrats surrender in the HOUSE, try to do it in the Senate...

Hillary is trying to run away in three months now...

The Democrat Party is the Terrorists best friend.

The DNC Ship of Fools sails on, sinking further...

The big question is, will we rise up in 08, or lay down again?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That's exactly what I was thinking when I posted this.

Anonymous said...


MR. S !

you have to see this amazing video revealing Carlos Mencia being a theif:
Carlos Mencia steals jokes...

ripping off others and trying to get away with it...

notice ROGAN in the last part calling Carlos a 'Fat F___'

Dr.Hardcrab said...


and to think I was trying to make myself like Mencia. What an ass...


Anonymous said...

You would think if he stole his material he would be funnier than that. Evidently he doesn't even have enough sense to steal GOOD material.

I thought he was funny for about 1 show- then I just got tired of listening to his rants.


Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

giggle giggle...

that is a classic post Mr. Schlong.
another amazing C&S image.

i read some of Joe Rogan's thoughts on the subject here:
Rogan .net

with more video leads and some amusing sound clips of Carlos trying to deny his pathetic ways...

sort of reminds me of Clinton, wag-ging the finger.

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