scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Giuliani v McCain
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- El Jefe said...
Actually I like John Bolton. Alas, he's not running and if it's a choice between the two there's no question in my mind: RUDY! RUDY! RUDY!
2/7/07, 6:32 PM
Anonymous said...
For me it's a matter of trust. I know all of Rudy's warts. They have been on the front pages repeatedly. Ditto McCain's. I trust Mr. Mayor to be able to lead in a more honest manner than McCain. McCain has done too many things (campaign finance, gang of 14, Keating 5, for and against social security reform, etc). I would vote for him against Hillary or Obama or any other dem (except Lieberman) but in Rudy vs McCain it's not even close for me and I'm a rabid right wing nut.
2/7/07, 6:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Well Rudy bis talking a different tune now. He is saying he supports an individuals right to keep and bear arms,He needs to be more to the point does that mean he supports my right to own a hand gun to defend my home and family or is he just referring to hunting weapons. He also says he opposes homosexual marriage now but would support a legal arrangment on the order of a power of atty, for a partnership. So I am willing now to listen to what he says with an open mind if he is sincere. I have never had any doubt about his administrative ability or leadership. But I will not be fooled by half measures. But I am willing to listen to the man now.
Also had that old hag Geraldine Feraro on the tube saying that Rudy was the worst thing that ever happened to New York. What a lying twat. The man was a great Mayor. -
2/7/07, 7:15 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I worked in Manhattan and the liberals LOVED Rudy. He made the city livable.
2/7/07, 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger buddy the liberals loved Rudy? Is that a good thing or a bad indication of what his governing might be like? Now I have just read another article that says Rudy is for homosexual marriage. So we still have a long way to go.
2/8/07, 4:38 AM
Anonymous said...
Rudy Guiliani is definitely NOT for homosexual marriage. Say what you will about his being in favor of some form of "domestic partnership", but he has clearly said that marriage must remain between a man and a woman.
2/8/07, 6:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I hope that is true. I do know that he said he was for closing the border with mexico so he is starting to sound better and more sensible. I know for a fact he said he supported the 2nd amendment. He will need to be more spicific about that.I believe a person can change there opinion and be sincere just a Bush 41 did about abortion for Reagan and he stuck with it the rest of his life so far. Like I said it is a long wa to go and I will be listening to Rudy and I will give any man a fair shake. -
2/8/07, 7:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Funny, anon posted the same verbatum post at Annika's. First volley in the stealth blog posting strategy of '08?
Casca -
2/8/07, 9:56 AM