scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Hankey demands a plane
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- MCPO Airdale said...
Nancy - Here's your military passenger plane: http://www.air-and-space.com/20040924%20SBA/DSC_3886%20C-131D%20N131CW%20left%20front%20landing%20l.jpg
2/7/07, 2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
NCarolina Repub, labeled the speaker's plane "Pelosi One." May I suggest Hankey One?!
2/7/07, 3:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Nancy - We're sorry. MCPO made a mistake. Here's your airplane: http://tinyurl.com/3bx92f
2/7/07, 3:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Pelosi's plane will be call sign "Star*Kist One"
2/7/07, 3:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Before Nancy and her entourage,'D'feci Pelosi Parata Aerea' take flight,the plane should be emblazened with a nice logo. I suggest 'AEROGRIFT'
2/7/07, 4:48 PM
Anonymous said...
May I suggest a vintage DeHavilland Comet for Speaker Hankey?
Tonto Goldstein -
2/7/07, 5:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Perhaps we can have Air China provide her with a plane (see post below)
2/7/07, 5:28 PM
Anonymous said...
I think they should give the twat the plane I had to ride to Purto Rico to pick up a cain dealer a twin turbo prop that was filled with crates of live chickens.It kept losing altitude and then would regain it.
2/7/07, 7:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Should we be waiting for another Ron Brown type incident?
2/7/07, 11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Give her the plane and in the name of diversity, hire muslims to fly it.
2/8/07, 6:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Roger if that Speaker Hankey ever gets out to the public at large I mean like through the TV or something you will be famous. I believe it would be an overnight sensation. It would also destroy her politically ala The loser and the tank pic.But I still cannot understand why the picture of Kerry in the silly suit at NASA did not damage him more than it did? That had to be the most ridiclous pic of a canidate I have ever seen.
2/8/07, 7:30 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
OMG Jack, that Kerry in the NASA suit was a disaster for Kerry. It was photoshopped a million times and drove the campaign nuts.
2/8/07, 9:54 AM