scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, February 16, 2007
Kiran Chetry gone
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Kiran Is a doll but ED is the top of the mark she is just plain knock out. Her replacement leaves a lot to be desired. Now next would be the weather girl both beside being beautiful have fantastic personalities. It is funny because I have always been partial to dark haired women.
2/16/07, 10:16 AM
Anonymous said...
You realize, of course, that PDF is an evil invention of a perverse and diseased mind. Every time I click on something that calls up the PDF reader, a primaeval rage surges up from the depths of my limbic system like the magma in a St. Helens or Krakatoa. Why? Because the !$%* program locks up my machine! That's why.
Now . . . Kirin Chetry is an effervescent bundle of joie de vivre, quick, clever, perky, and charming. I rather imagine she tastes delectable, too. -
2/16/07, 10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
"We had hoped that Ms. Chetry would have a bright future w/the Fox News Channel, however this negotiation has now become more trouble than it is worth."
Ms. Chetry needs to have a little talk with her so-called Agent... it seems he just got her fired.
My vote goes for the brunette, in case anyone's counting. -
2/16/07, 10:44 AM
Anonymous said...
well I guess I can sleep till 6 on weekdays and not even wake up on weekends now
2/16/07, 2:30 PM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
I have a red-head fetish, but Juliett gives me a chubby.
If I had to go with a Fox red-head, that means I'd have to take Rita Buckner???!!!
>>> -
2/16/07, 5:09 PM
- Howard said...
E.D. HILL was the best and I haven't watched more than three minutes since she was fired (kicked upstairs). Now Chetry goes. I think this is a statement firing by FOX: "Fuck you. We'll replace anyone who challenges us." In other words Ailes remark after Zahn left, "I could have gotten bigger ratings with a raccoon," applies all the way around. But Fox better whatch out, CNN is actually doing some real news now and they have the resources to be terrific should they decide to do it. Their stuff is getting very tired.
2/16/07, 6:03 PM