Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide NOW!
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Penn Teller Greens
Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide NOW!
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Howard said...
Great Post, those two should show Horowitz how to make a propaganda video that people might watch.
2/4/07, 1:03 AM
Anonymous said...
Sat here and lmao at these people !!! Penn and Teller are so much fun, I hope they "turn up the heat" some more.
2/4/07, 1:03 AM
Anonymous said...
"Environmental Journalist"? Hey, that's right up my alley. I work in sales, so I know how to spread the bull shit professionally, and I have a suit and clean up pretty good. Lots of young little hippie chicks wandering about who evidently will believe anything would make a delightful little fringe benefit, even if two cundums and industrial strength disinfectant would be necessary with most of them. Where do I get an application for that job?
2/4/07, 6:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Temp.0 degrees.Chill factor 18 degrees below zero.Worse elsewhere....You folks wanna draw straws to see who goes first burying their boot in Dr.Algore's ass this morning?
2/4/07, 7:57 AM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
I'm in West-By-Gawd-Virginny visiting my dad. He is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's and has his good days and bad days. Yestrday he was having a not-so-good day so I was having to repeat stuff. Even then he couldn't grasp a lot of things. He gets tired and will just drift off sometimes when he is in his recliner.
Well it's 10 degrees right now with a wind chill of -12. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 7 and the low -5. This is the mountains of WV. Not Minnesota!Dad's in the recliner snoozing. I'm talking to his wife and she says something to the effect of 'how can they say there is a problem with global warming?' I tell her that there really ISN'T but if Al Gore says there is, there IS! Then I made the statement that he has been nominated for a Nobel. She says 'For WHAT?!'. I try to 'convince' her that he DESERVES one! After all, he invented the internet AND was up for an Oscar for his 'movie'.
Just then, without any movement from his lips, my Dad lets out an 'ASSHOLE'.
His mind is still functioning pretty well if you ask me....
>>> -
2/4/07, 8:47 AM
Anonymous said...
I remember Rush doing the whole "Dihydrogen Monoxide" thing a while ago...a year or two, maybe.
As an avid outdoorsman, hunter and fiserman, I am concerned about "conservation"...but not the Hippie-dippie, emotion driven, "Chicken Little" ( the sky is falling, the sky is falling!) mahyem these poor little fucks hang onto as gospel.
Please recall the story of a group of activists who headed out from the Beltway a few years ago. They went out to attempt to stop some kind of un-PC activity, like hunting....They were not prepared for their trek in any manner. Some compromised their very lives.
Who saved these stupid little fucks lost in the Maryland woods?
Hunters...the self-same folks they had come to protest ended up saving their lives.
HORSEshit! GRR-R-R-R-mumble grafungle...Mable!!! poor some more chlorine in the gene pool!
BTW...just to let y'all know. We are experiencing the longest, snowiest cold spell here along the Front Range since the early 1960's
If it continues....might have to go back to pre-dust bowl days.
2/4/07, 12:20 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Penn did a fine job of finding the dickweeds, but the
jewel in this program is Dr. Patrick Moore. His testimony cannot be impeached. -
2/4/07, 12:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Somewhere I saw a video where some guys were circulating a petition on some college campus to end women's sufferage. As somebody once said over at Daily Pundit, "We know that politicians are self-serving liars, and journalists are self-serving ignoramuses, but the destruction of history and civics education in our public schools has also gifted us with a generation of idiots among the general public."
GrinfilledCelt -
2/4/07, 2:58 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
It was HERE, but the link goes to a porn site now.
2/4/07, 5:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Alright! That's even better, Rodger!
GrinfilledCelt -
2/4/07, 9:07 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I know. It' so damned hard to find hard porn these days.
2/4/07, 10:37 PM