Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blopdy well over, eh wot.

Hail Britannia ,
Britannia rules some tea ...

Global Warming Power Grab in Britain

Man-made global warming may be a tired joke, but the hysteria it has generated is still out of control, and absurdly enough could constitute the greatest threat to the British way of life since the Nazis.

Moonbat bureaucrats have declared that Britain will be transformed into the world's first "green" economy. The little people paying the price for this ideological foolishness will have to "live, work and travel differently."

All homes must be "carbon neutral" within 10 years — or else.  (continue)

The dole turned Britain lazy; that ruined the education system; this is the result. I take no glee is saying this about my ancestral home, but it's bloody well over, eh wot? We're not far behind, but at least there's hope. Let's drink, drink, and be merry. I've taken all my clothes off, am drinking a tankard of ale, and shooting targets in the living room with my .S&W Model 41 loaded with Aguila colibri. Join me. Cheers.
Ha. I just heard some glass tinkle. Lousy gun.


Anonymous said...

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for NO RollOVER

Anonymous said...

C'mon Rodger,

Those little spitters won't cycle the action of a Model 41.

Anonymous said...

Son, thats a "winter woman". She throws off too much heat to have around in the summer.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anonymous - that's el-correcto. Especially since I'm using the original Colibri which is, if I remember, a 349 fps ball of destruction. My pellet gun packs more punch, but can't match the perfume.

Anonymous said...

"Thar shes blow?"

Anonymous said...

Fashion tip 3284: Horizontal stripes make fat Russian girls look fat.

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