Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blowup Mommy

Blowup Mommy

Islamo swine interviews two adolescents about their blowup mommy.



Anonymous said...

Those people are sick. There will never be peace in the region until the glorification of murder and martyrdom is rejected...which isn't all that likely.


Anonymous said...

Teenagers are adolescents, these two are infants.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from a culture that's moral compass is based on a book that espouses proper pedophilia technique, beastiality, and human denigration.

Anonymous said...

So sickening that I quit about halfway through. Until we stop the brainwashing in the madrassas and silence (kill) the mullahs teaching this hate, the war on terror has no end.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with the LtCol on this one. Completely destroy the culture -- it has no redeeming value and is an active threat to every living person on this earth.

hotspur666 said...

Hum, sorry for the bad...Typical Madrassa there:

Anonymous said...

My original theroy was that we were going to have to kill every one of them,right down to the 8 or 9 year olds. It's now time to amend my thinking and say that we should kill them as soon as they can start talking.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why the social engineers on the left are targeting your kids in school as their best means of achieving their goals.

Are you SURE you know what is going on in your public schools? Are you SURE you know what their eager minds are absorbing in the daily instruction? Love of country, patriotism, lessons of American heroism are certainly not on the list.


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