Friday, March 16, 2007


The Enemy Within

Not Democrats, even worse.

I prepared some clippage from Confrontation at Concordia. It's a five part series, but each part is only about 10 minutes. 

 I've been focusing on acts of civil disruption by our muslim population (Minneapolis is a real hot spot), and this case study of how Palestinians managed to gain control of Montreal's Concordia University student government, and what they did with it, will be instructive about what, and who, we're dealing with.

This is a war folks, and we're losing primarily because we don't think it can happen.  
Jack Hamilton


Anonymous said...

Now can we profile them?

Anonymous said...

Makes ya' wonder if Charlie wasn't right about Helter Skelter after all....he just had the protagonists wrong.

Anonymous said...

I blame Jimmy Carter. In the fall of 1979, if he had only done some urban renewal of downtown Tehran from 30,000 feet, we wouldn't have this problem.

BTW, if Concordia University is in Quebec, why is everyone speaking English?

Anonymous said...

Jack Hamilton,
Nice heads up on the youtube connect to follow up on this subject. All the way back to 1960?

Rodger, even though this enemy within doesn't appear to be democrats, they are being fully protected by our nation's libs (DEMs) when they obstruct every effort of the Patriot Act to protect to from these maniacs. All for the purpose of appearing 'tolerant'. the idiots

Anonymous said... protect us...

Anonymous said...

The Democrappers enable these C S bastards big time.

Anonymous said...

"Might makes right" is the main underlying principle of fascism. The state may do anything it wishes to its people provided it has the POWER to do so. Similarly, in any social situation, if you have the POWER to effect your goal, then you have the right to do so.

This is the underlying principle behind these efforts to shout down and silence opposition speakers on campus. These are techniques of POWER used to silence the opposition. They do not believe in winning debates, in the power of persuasion. They believe only in the power of force.

That is why it is uproarously humorous to see that leftist marcher talking about needing to see their movement grow so that they can stop fascism.


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