Monday, March 05, 2007


Mad as HELL!

We can do it ourselves

"America's conservatives are mad and they're not going to take it anymore."

That Fox News report about this weekend's CPAC conference is exactly right. How bad is the Republican Party right now? John McCain didn't even show, no doubt fearing a fatal wedgie from conservatives who, uh., don't trust him. Rudy Giuliani "acknowledged to the crowd that he has differences with his audience on social issues." Yay Rudy. 

Forty years ago Mr. Bay State, Edward Kennedy, guaranteed Americans that his Medicare brainstorm would only cost $100. A few years later it was a $Trillion dollars in the hole and headed South. Still is. So who did CPAC attendees choose in their straw vote? Erstwhile Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, author of his own mandated health care plan that was in the holea year before it's even implemented. He's the conservative choice. Egad. But, you know what? Water off my back. I expect it any more, but this... this has me spitting green flecked stuff.

Senators approve bill to allow vehicles to be seized

Motorists who fail to show proof of liability insurance during a traffic stop could see their vehicles headed for the auction block under a bill passed Monday by the Oklahoma Senate.

Sen. Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, won adoption of an amendment to allow for the seizing of vehicles when drivers cannot show that they have insurance. His plan amends a section of law that now allows police to confiscate vehicles containing drugs.

WTF? If anything Republicans should be working to make it illegal to carry any liability insurance. "But Rodge, I could lose my house." Bullshit.

I could run you down in the street, back over you to break any bones I missed the first time, and when your lawyer discovers I don't have insurance he'll go for some coffee and never come back. No liability insurance means starving ambulance chasers; means fewer John Edwards; means less payola to democrats; means the beginning of a great and glorious new world! Patrick Anderson just sold America down the drain.  Jerk.


Anonymous said...

I'm too tired right now to read this post, but the title and picture so perfectly represent my immediate feelings...I can't help myself, but to b**ch.
We're on the road trip, and in two nights hotels we've manage to find one that had showtime, no hbo, hence, no 2hr Rome episode on Sunday night. Today,not even FOX,Jack Bauer's 24!!!!! Holy smokes, man. It's the little things that make the fun in life. Okay, the beds have been nice as has been the security. Entertainment wise, I'm dyin' here boss!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Put a quarter in the bed vibrator That's fun.

Anonymous said...

In a nutshell-- BOOM!: The president lives (for now). Assad (the turncoat terrorist) dies.

Jack and house arrest guy go to the Russian consulate. Markov says "I haven't seen Gredenko in years!" Jack and old guy leave. The Russian immediately phones Gredenko. Jack goes back into the Russian consulate to slap Markov around for information. Chloe helps him by cutting the power. Jack busts in and slaps the Russian around. Markov says the bombs are on drone airplanes, with two hours before boomtime. Jack tries to tell a helpful Russian agent, but he gets killed before he can pass it along. Security busts in and takes Jack prisoner.

Meanwhile-- the Vice President shows up and takes command. Lennox gets freed and claims he was against the plot all along. The VP doesn't believe him and has him arrested. Nothing much happens at CTU (for once.)

Anonymous said...

Rodger - when you are crowned Schlong the Magnificent Benevolent High Poobah of Free America, can we have a vote for Cape Cod Orca as the Senator most detrimental to American interests and well-being of all time, and if he wins, drag him behind an oxcart to a tree on the Capitol grounds and conduct a no-drop hanging? If your elevation to that high office ever comes to a vote, that's a campaign promise that will make your election a lock.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I understand you're undercover, which makes this intel huge IMO. Thanks! Jack Bauer is allowing us to cross country uninhibited by illegals, so far. ;~)

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