Thursday, March 15, 2007



I can think of just one way to stop these attacks on our elected government. I'm too young to hang.

Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean has been meeting with world leaders to repair "the extraordinary damage" that the Bush administration has done to America's image and to prepare the way for a new Democratic president.

"I am trying to build relationships with other governments in preparation for a Democratic takeover," Dean told me. "I want to make clear that there is an opposition in America and that we are ready to take power and that when we do, we are going to have much better relationships with them."

Dean comes very close to constitutional lèse majesté here.  Nothing new though. John Kerry negotiated with North Vietnamese communists while the elected government was engaged in the Paris Pearce talks. Jim Wright and a gaggle of card carrying congressional democrats actually interfered with elected government policy in Nicaragua. They escaped jail. Democrats have undercut the Bush administration in Europe from day one, not a one of which has faced a firing squad. Howard Dean is a perfect blend of Bill Clinton and Ron Brown - Brazen liars with a perfect understanding that the press will side with them no matter what.

The problem is, when I take over, Dean is in serious trouble. I'm not as nice as Bush, nor as tolerant of treason.


Anonymous said...

Hell, Ted Kennedy had secret talks with the Soviet Union during Reagan's presidency in an attempt to undermine the government (i.e. treason) and damage America's standing as a world power. Why he wasn't hung for that crime (among others, including manslaughter) is beyond me.

If anyone ever wonders how polis could have allowed the rise of Nazi Germany, they need look no further than today's headlines. We're seeing the same selfish quest for power at all costs.
I'll come out and say it -- today's democrats are mostly traitors, willing to do ANYTHING for power. Their recent political pandering should be ample evidence that they don't really like America and are all-too-willing to sell out their countrymen and destroy the very foundations of our constitutional republic for a temporary command.

Frankly, Bush and the republicans aren't any better. (They spend like drunk sailors, trash the 1st and 4th Amendments (Campaign finance reform + Carnivore snooping on US citizens, etc.), they let the democrats set the agenda even when they were in power (Kennedy writing the education bills?!?) & now flatly refuse to lock down the borders. It's like a choice betw. taking a local train or an express. The destination's the same, it's simply a matter of timing.

All the while the muslim menace grows, threatening a new Dark Ages to spread across the globe.

I'm out of beer and out of patience.

Anonymous said...

The thing that has frosted me the most about Bush is his failure to secure the border and his insane drive to wreck this country with amnesty for about 20 million illegals that have no loyalty to this nation. Also he hates confrontation and will not stand up for his Presidency that they have tried to destroy and just about have. By not standing up for his administration against lying democraps he is not standing up for the people that put him in office.

Anonymous said...

Jack H, i am one of your biggest fans on this fine site.

however, first the estimate of illegals in this country started at 10 million, (entered the USA from Reagan's Amnesty), now we are up to 20 million?

again, GW has done more than the last 4 Presidents in securing the border, period.

not enough, agreed.

but the funny thing about many who think the President didn't stand up for his Administration, when he did.

Bush stood by his AG, saying he's staying, the firings were sound, and his PRESS SEC., TS, did clearly point out the folly of the bogus charges.

you cannot believe every pundit on a radio, or caller, who hasn't watched the interview of the President and witnessed the rebuttal.

now the rebuke may not be as intense, or partisan as we want, but this MAN takes being a responsible leader serious, and is extremely ethical, so his demeanor remains professional.

GW has remained strong in the face of overwhelming confrontation in regards to Iraq and the GWOT, including rebuking the Baker folly. No politician in Washington today would stand that resolved against such slander and pressure.

for me, this kind of Bash Bush in reaction to another unethical Democrat slander, is misguided in my opinion.

it is like some are so frustrated with the ugly DNC deceit, they begin splashing the disgust onto others...

who are offering unethical behavior?


who deserves the focus of disdain?


the pre NOV 2006 mindset of some Conservatives, mistakenly focused on the 'human' GOP, and failed to note the context of the insane Democrats.


Anonymous said...

A.D.2117...After decades of run-a-way immigration,both illegal and legal,the two largest groups in the USA,the Muslims and the MexAms seem headed for civil war.The constant bombings of churches,synagogues,sports arenas,bars,movie houses,etc. and the retaliatory street shootings,destruction of mosques, and large scale firebombings of Islamic areas have finally led to the complete breakdown of American civilization...Christians & Jews,Black and White..non Theists and Atheists all seem headed for elimination by the waring factions...Canada is already under Sharia law,tinged with Communism and Mexico is a cesspool of human misery and pagan religion...The 400 year experiment with freedom and decency seems to have come to an end,and they,the American leadership,prodded along by the Leftists and by their own misguided humanitarianism,did it to themselves....There is only a handful of mourners overseeing the last gasp of hope,as the rest of the world gave up on Democracy and freedom,50 years ago.....Earth slid into the Hell of dark ages,where it remained until the end of time, unable to restore itself to former dignity...The feuds and killings NEVER ceased.......Whew!..Glad we have enough sense to NEVER let this happen.Eh?...Eh? Hey!..Anybody out there?.Huh? Heeeeeeey!

Anonymous said...

The US Govt. estimate of illegals is 10 to 12 million. Do you think those are real? The rate the border is tresspassed every day, the growing size of Hispanic enclaves in every town, the numbers turned out for last May's demonstrations all make 20 million a reasonable estimate. Don't forget that illegals include more than just Hispanics.

JMcD's scenario is one I fear. We are at war, yet let large numbers of muslims are allowed to immigrate into the country, more than before 9/11. I wonder how many of them are here illegally. Potential enemies all.

Bush has stood his ground on the war, although he has done a poor job of communicating with America on the war. He has done very well with his economic policies. But he has done very poorly on holding back spending and he has encouraged growth of government. And his wink to illegal immigration is criminal. A few cosmetic approaches does not equate to securing the borders. National Guardsmen not even allowed to shoot back and law enforcement officers being prosecuted by a zealous Federal prosecutor for firing are examples of immigration enforcement being backasswards.

Anonymous said...

Yes Tom. As I stated in my comment on March 13th, under the heading "We are the target" that I don't understand why we continue to allow immigrants (Muslims) to become citizens when they acknowledge that they advocate the replacement of the constitution with Sharia.Since they would gladly do this by any means,including terrorism,I don't see any difference here with the Communistic dream of the violent overthrow of the USA,back in the USSR days.How in the HELL can these people continue to be allowed to emigrate to this country,joining with the millions of illegal Mexicans,who would like to rejoin large chunks of this country back to Mexico?...I actually truly believe that the USA is the hope of the world,and when it's destroyed,the planet is doomed...I won't be around to see it but I also am afraid of the scenario that I laid out above....Seems the Lefties are to powermad and the Right to weak and accomedating to do anything other than stay on this road to Hell.

OregonGuy said...

I kinda have a Post-Normal view that HNAV is right.

Remember, the one pledge that Pres W has kept is his attempt to change the tone.

I think that tone should be the next president's least worry. The Democrat/lefty alliance is Shermanesque. Burn it all and let god sort 'em out kinda politics.

And the beauty of Post-Normal Thinking is, you just gotta go with the goal, baby!

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