Just as Hollywood seems to have
run out of new ideas, the Democrat Congress is on a serious mission to
resurrect every tired script they ran during the seventies.
Backstabbing our military and allies in the back -
in progress. Raising tax rates through the sky -
in progress. Using the rhetoric of class warfare -
in progress. Attacking American business for being profitable.
In progress. And now -- JFC! And now they plan to retry the
Equal Rights Amendment
that failed over and over for ten years from 1972- 1982. Most
Amendments to the Constitution have seven years to be ratified, but
Democrats granted the ERA a three year extension in 1979. If I
remember correctly, one or two states that had ratified this
paean to women who can't cope, took the opportunity to unratify it. I'm
trying to finish this without using the phrase "insufferable assholes,"
but I can't.
Thats an ass - I'm cereal.