Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Firing US Attorneys

Chucky's measured outrage

Okay, I get a little carried away

This 1994 TIME Magazine article about Clinton's firing of  the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock, Charles Banks (one of 93),  in favor of his ex-law student Paula Casey,  is critical in understanding Bush family DNA.

Please don't let me be partisan
''The RTC's referral of the case to Justice landed in Washington in the fall of 1992 -- just as Clinton was forging decisively ahead of George Bush in the presidential race. Justice officials were afraid they would be accused of a partisan effort to smear Clinton if they had Washington take over the investigation, so they left it with the U.S. Attorney in Little Rock. At the time that was Republican Charles Banks, but after Clinton's victory he was replaced by Democrat Paula Casey.''

Had the investigation moved forward as it should have, the Clinton's would be a footnote in history (Arkansas Gov. and wife sentenced in 1993 for bank fraud  case).  The current President Bush displayed the same reluctance to "seem unfair."

The article contains another interesting tidbit.

"DID STATE REGULATORS GO EASY ON MADISON GUARANTY IN RETURN FOR FAVORS TO THE CLINTONS? This is another charge leveled by Leach, who cannot conveniently be accused of blind partisanship. He is, in fact, perhaps the least partisan Republican in the House." [Source - many personal files, including this]

In 1994 a freshly installed Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Leach announced he would visit Arkansas in order to get to the root of the "Whitewater" affair.  Guess what?

''House Banking Committee chair James Leach finds a known Clinton private investigator scoping out his house. The PI quickly leaves. Leach doesn't go public with the story but tells colleagues that the intended message was clear: "You mess with us, we'll mess with you." - Various personal files.

Guess who that Private Investigator was?  Does "Jack Palladino" ring a bell? Take your pick. In 1992 he was hired by Hillary Clinton.

Palladino,a San Francisco private detective who had been paid more than $100,000 by the Clinton campaign in 1992 to deal with what Clinton intimateBetsey Wright called "bimbo eruptions."

One of those potential bimbos was former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen.  She told friends that her ''one-night stand ''with Clinton was in fact rape, one of several Clinton has been accused of.  Palladino suggested that it would be a real shame  if anything happened to her lovely legs. Leach doesn't go public with his confrontation, but tells colleagues that the intended message was clear: "You mess with us, we'll mess with you."  That's the last we ever hear from Jim Leach on the matter of Clinton Whitewater crime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to be a Washington Journal devotee, but when they went to "fair" with the caller lines, the show went downhill. However, yesterday I caught Lynn Woolsey, founder of the out-of-Iraq caucas in full blither when asked, "What happens when we leave Iraq, and Iran moves in to control even more of the world's oil supply than they do now?"

This morning, it was Linda Sanchez's turn as she 'splained (just kidding, everyone knows that the Sanchez sisters are fat, loud, liberal, anglo chicks who stole the name from some legally related dude) that Ronald Reagan had fired all of the US Attorneys when entering office too. She got away with this baldfaced whopper, since she was answering her last question.

Rog, you need to shift the Initial Point, South, and begin the bombing run in Northern Orange County, CA.


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