Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gore's Scam

Why the Gore Story Matters
So far, so good. So, where does Gore buy his ‘carbon offsets’? According to The Tennessean newspaper’s report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management. a company he co-founded and serves as chairman: -  [READ IT]


Anonymous said...

Who the dickens left the lights on again!


Anonymous said...

AlBillHill Chili. Add whatever spice you want, but when it's done, toss it to the feral dogs.

Anonymous said...

"Bring in a big organization that promises to intercede with Gaia on your behalf.
Party like there's no tomorrow.
Sell get-out-of-hell-anyway tickets.

Oh, yeah...
Try to crush the heretics.
# posted by DougM"

ah ha !

the mighty C&S brings yet another Democrat swindel to the top of the septic tank.

Al is making more profit from the con, than just video and oscar gold...

maybe Carbon Credit stores, will be on every corner someday, like ATMS...

or on every counter at Starbucks?

Anonymous said...

swindle and in swindle...

Anonymous said...

ho ho ho green giant.

Grumpyunk said...

Thanks, Professor. It would be nice if info like this got out to the general public, but I ain't holding my breath.

Unless someone wants to pay me to as a carbon offset. $500/day and I'll keep my respiratory rate below 20 times a minute.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you good folks remember I said a few days back that people need to invedstigate Gore's bussiness investments that he will be making a fortune off this Global warming Crap that he is pushin so hard.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack...Welcome home.

Anonymous said...

It sure looks like a place Algore would live. It looks just like a funeral home.

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