Friday, March 16, 2007

Howard Dean

Today's Scheissekopf

Howard "Ya doesn't have to call me comrade" Dean's Big Adventure

"Now that we have a real problem with Iran, there's not much we can do about it because of the president's incredible foolishness in running our armed forces through the gauntlet in Iraq, which wasn't necessary." The New Dean political Plan
 A canard, utterly. Dean's Democrats labeled  our Afghanistan initiative a "quagmire" two days after it started.  Is Dean saying Democrats instead would have supported intervention into Iran's nuclear bomb making?  Because if he is, he's a liar.  Oh, right.

"I think the Republicans have decided they don't want to do anything about immigration because they are scared. The best kind of immigration reform is a much better working relationship with Mexico. We will never solve immigration problems in this country without improving the Mexican economy dramatically." The New Dean political Plan
Dean thinks it's out responsibility to improve Mexico's economy?  We have free trade with Mexico.  We have 20 million Mexican illegals sending American cash back to Mexico.  What have you in mind Mr. Wizard?  Wait, I know. Let's raise Mexico's income tax by 800 billion dollars over the next five years like you're going to do here?  That always works. Right?
"[Katrina] destroyed George Bush's presidency, Permanently. The one thing that Americans and everybody else in the world have always believed, whether you like America or not, whether you like the government or not, is that the most organized, best managers in the world are the Americans. The New Dean political Plan
The man is insane.
"This could be George Bush's Watergate,"  (Firing 8 U.S. Attorneys)
I thought the Downing Street memos were his Watergate?  Or Plamegate?  Let's have hearings on Katrinagate, it's not too late.
"The only reason Republicans impeached Bill Clinton was to get even with us for trying to impeach a future Republican President who was awash in criminal violations of our own, and world law."  (Coming soon)


Anonymous said...

Owwww my head.

Duct tape please

Anonymous said...

The video looks like something from zombietime.

Anonymous said...

And Dean's gubernatorial records are under seal. His doing. Wonder why?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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