Sunday, March 04, 2007

Iranian Puppeteers

Iranian Puppeteers film a performnce in Iraq.


Anonymous said...

Watchin' that truck a-bouncin' around sorta' reminded me of when I would see them monster truck races between Bigfoot and Grave Digger over at the coliseum. Boy-howdy, that wuz a sight!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Chuck, uh ... nothing.

Anonymous said...

Dirty rats. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I hate seeing this BS. Everytime I see it with these morons shouting praises to their pedophile enabler in the sky, I hope the video ends in gunfire directed in their way.

Anonymous said...

Except I think this truck was killing people. Big Foot and Grave Digger left that out.

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