Thursday, March 15, 2007

John McKay

John McKay, Poor Baby

Take sacked U.S. Attorney John McKay from Washington state. In 2004, the Governor's race was decided in favor of Democrat Christine Gregoire by 129 votes on a third recount. As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media outlets reported, some of the "voters" were deceased, others were registered in storage-rental facilities, and still others were convicted felons. More than 100 ballots were "discovered" in a Seattle warehouse. None of this constitutes proof that the election was stolen. But it should have been enough to prompt Mr. McKay, a Democrat, to investigate, something he declined to do, apparently on grounds that he had better things to do. - The Hubbell Standard

McKay is one of the 8 U.S. Attorneys sacked by Bush. The Gregoire election farce is one of the most blatant, in-your-face election thefts in history.  Let's think of possible reasons refused to step in.

  1. He's a local boy and wants a future in King Count politics.  Messing with the Democrat machine would end that dream.
  2. He was  taking voice lessons for an American Idol try and didn't notice.
  3. He was paid off.
  4. He was blackmailed.
Did I miss any possible explanation?  The nicest thing that can be said for him is he's incompetent.  I'll say he's a crook.  Either way, what took so long?


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Just another democrat pigffer

Anonymous said...

Sumbitch shoulda been given a suite at the Graybar Hotel.

Anonymous said...

Janet Reno was actually right for once.

When you take the presidency, you should fire everyone that you can, and put your own people in charge.

Anonymous said...

that fool McKay burns the toast.

pathetic Democrat liars...

Anonymous said...

Politics as usual in WA state, there is just nothing else to say.

A particularly odious third world country... Stuck in the sewer of WA until we can afford to get out.

Yeah, it sucks, they don't even pretend...

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