Wednesday, March 28, 2007

School for Scandal.

You ain't seen nothing

Even the New York Times has joined the long list of Democratic Party muck-a-mucks who are dissing Hillary Clinton.  The stated reason for her disfavor among the moobat left, who control the party, is her refusal to disavow her Iraq vote. Horse Hockey. 

Like husband Bill in 1992, Democrats are scared to death about what scandals a presidential candidate Hillary would be forced to deal with.  People I think forget that the Donk machine fought tooth and nail to deny Bill Clinton's nomination in 1992 for the same reason.   Even after he had locked up the nomination with primary wins, the "Stop Bill" movement persisted. Finally, DNC Chairman Ron Brown smacked his gavel, and laid down the law. "Bill Clinton will be our nominee. Get used to it."

What scared Democrats than was he was a known whoremaster, his wife's involvement in shady Arkansas land and bank deals (made public by Paul Tsongas, and Jerry Brown), his appropriation of State Teacher Retirement funds, and a host of other problems. In order to save his candidacy, the media simply slammed the information stream shut, Fox News then being in a state of gestation.

Today Bill Hillyer lists some of Hillary's problems in Hillary's Real School for Scandal.  They dwarf what Bill faced 13years ago.

Cattle Futures. Hillary made a $100,000 windfall on a $1,000 investment in risky cattle futures, in trades that appear to have been backdated for just that purpose.

Whitewater. If Whitewater wasn't a scandal, why did so many people go to jail for it? The fact remains that a host of senior citizens lost their retirement nest eggs, and taxpayers were put on the hook for a bank failure while the Clintons skated without apparent financial loss.

Castle Grande. That real estate scam was a subset of Whitewater. Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker was convicted because of it. Taxpayers were put on the hook for about $4 million. When Hillary's buddy Webb Hubbell was indicted for his role in it, Hillary was mentioned (albeit not by name) as Hubbell's "billing partner." Details are hard to remember. So were the billing records themselves, which "disappeared" for a couple of years in the private quarters of Hillary's White House.

Travel Office Firings. Independent Counsel Robert Ray concluded that Hillary was deeply involved in this skanky deal and that her testimony about her involvement was "factually false."

Filegate. Okay, Hillary was cleared in this one, but her White House was still guilty of extreme cavalierness (is that a word?) in its assignment of political hack Craig Livingstone to a position where he could peruse and perhaps abuse the FBI files of 900 political appointees of former President George H.W. Bush.

Pardongate. Outgoing President Clinton gave pardons to people who gave beaucoup bucks to Hillary's Senate campaign and to Hillary's Rodham brothers, Tony and Hugh.

Indonesian Fundraising Scandal. John Huang was convicted of campaign finance violations. He testified that he met numerous times with both Clintons in the White House, and Secret Service logs show that he visited the White House 78 times in 15 months.

And all of that is just the start.

Indeed, as we speak, ''attorneys for Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) are trying to keep her out of a lawsuit that may ultimately force her to testify under oath about an alleged violation of campaign finance laws.'' - [Senator Clinton's Lawyers Seek to Halt Fraud Suit] The general unelectability of any democrat in 2008 explains Barack Obama.  He has no history, and no record. Perfect guy for a con.


Anonymous said...

Vince Foster.


Jake said...

MSM will still embargo any Clinton scandal stories. Will the bloggers make a difference?

Bob Hawkins said...

I'm a victim of the Clintons. I was reading Christopher Ruddy's book on Foster's murder and I had to go to the hospital. My blood pressure was twice normal (no joke, 270/160, and I had it checked just 3 weeks earlier). Now I have to take 4 prescription drugs to control it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quote, "We are the president." It coincides perfectly with my interpretation of the John Edwards statements made recently. I don't have the verbatim at hand, but it was clear "Elizabeth and I run for pres'" Tell me he's not using her misfortune to elevate his puny chances. They're (Liberals) all the same: without conscience.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Jake - I thought we could until the last election. The anti-bloggers were able to muddy the water enough to leave the confused class still confused, and the media ceased putting up even the appearance of neutrality. Hard odds.

Bob - Try the farm channel.

Howard said...

Traded futures for twenty years, including cattle. What Hillary was involved in was a bribe (she made exactly 100K) which was either sham trading that never took place so the laundered money could go thru a brokerage firm (not likely), or a practice known as "bucketing." Now the Revco branch she traded thru was a known "bucket shop" and her "broker" a guy named Red, as I recall, got busted. A bucket trade is this: you put your buy order in on the open, however the record of the trade "goes into a bucket" meaning it's kept unwritten. When the market closes, the firm assigns trades to various customers, and Hillary was always awarded a big profit trade, which meant some poor dope got swindled. This was common practice in futures shops til about 1985 when regulators finally demanded all brokers be licensed and that records be kept and time stamped. I big shot on the CME was appointed to check her trades and he gave her a clean bill of health---keep in mind that had he not given her a clean bill of health the regulators could have gone so far as to shut down the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Nobody will ever hang this shit on her and it's a waste of time to dwell on it because it's far too complicated for normal people to comprehend. "He fucked her," we can all understand. Oh, before I forget: she never put up enough money to even cover the minimum margin requirements to trade cattle back in the days she was "trading," so that it is obvious the "fix" was in and she and Billy boy wanted 100K and got it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

In the only serious look at Clinton crime CBS undertook in 8 years, 60 MINUTES concluded as much. The Clinton's responded by withholding all administration officials from appearing on CBS. That segment never ran a second time, as I remember.

Anonymous said...

She's already had her two terms.

Anonymous said...

Only kings, editors, and people with tapeworm have the right to use the editorial "we." -- Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Always thought that the CBS 60 Minutes Clinton story in 1991-2(? not sure anymore) was a setup. Remember the stage light falling and almost hitting her? The Clintons just stood there hugging for a long time. It was so-o-o-o-o-o touching. Barf (still)!!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It was Brummy. FOB Rick Kaplan, then the Executive Producer of ABC's World News Tonight, advised the Clintons to forsake his own network's Nightline (which appearance he blocked!) for the post Super Bowl 60 Minutes show to repair damage done by the Gennifer Flowers story. They lied like hell, and were not challenged. It saved Bill's campaign. Only after Clinton had been impeached did CBS do a mea culpa show examining their role in letting these two pricks get control of our government. They concluded that they may have been too easy on the Clintons. Feh. Rick Kaplan is the poster boy for today's television "journalist." An utterly partisan hack overtly working to advance the liberal agenda with no regard for truth. A truly disgusting piece of human crap.

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