Thursday, March 15, 2007

Shrum, Edwards, and Reid


"Democratic strategist Bob Shrum writes in his memoir to be published in June that he regrets advising Edwards to give President Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq. He said if Edwards had followed his instincts instead of the advice of political professionals, he would have been a stronger presidential candidate in 2004." - AP

That's what we want from our nation's leaders, independent thinking.  Right Senate Majority Leader Reid?


Anonymous said...

Reid is an idiot...

fits right into the nuts at KOS.

meanwhile, his pockets grow full with corrupt land deals.

Nevada, why have you given us this crap, after we spent so much money gambling in your air conditioned casinos.

Anonymous said...

Hey that's not fair. Only Vegas is packed with libs and they all came here after they messed up california, of course now they think they know how to run (ruin) this state. We are soooo sorry about Harry Reid, how embarrassing!

Bob Hawkins said...

We haven't nuked Nevada as much as they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, millions of North Carolina voters are regretting giving Edwards the Senatorial platform from which he ran for the Presidency.

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