Saturday, April 21, 2007

Criminal Bots

So, Who's Really In Charge?

In Case You Don't Have Enough To Worry About

Some attacks are driven by revenge as well as financial gain.

Last year, a noted Russian spammer nicknamed PharmaMaster – he usually advertises pharmaceuticals – felt his business was endangered by a Silicon Valley anti-spam startup named Blue Security.

PharmaMaster initiated an attack that crippled Blue Security’s Web site. The firm countered by placing information about the attack on its corporate blog, hosted by popular blog site TypePad, owned by Six Apart Ltd. PharmaMaster then hired a bot herder to conduct a denial-of-service attack that shut down all of Six Apart’s blogs, including those hosted on its service.

Eventually, Blue Security surrendered and got out of the business of anti-spam software.

“PharmaMaster paid $1 million to take out Blue Security,” or about $2,000 an hour for the attack, said Schiller, the Portland State professor. “But (PharmaMaster) was making $3 million a month, so it was worth it.”

At the time, security experts said the Blue Security attack was so severe that only a few of the world’s largest corporations would have been able to withstand it.

Given the power that the bot herders wield, questions inevitably arise about whether terrorists are behind such crimes. There is no clear answer, and security experts are divided on the issue.



hotspur666 said...

I have five E-mail accounts.

Pharma-commie-crooks usually
post four spams a day on each...

Putin at work...

Vladimir, shove your goddam viagra up your ass!!!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

What about this ... The spammers are operating for profit, which means Viagra must be paying them. Right? Why not a class action lawsuit against the spammer clients? What am I missing?

Anonymous said...

DOS attacks won't work without millions of zombie computers to help.

Where do the zombies come from? People like you and me who use MicrosoftⓇ WindowsⓇ-- the least secure operating system around. Your PC might be a zombie and you don't even know it.

For your own sake, and that of entrepreneurs like Blue Security-- use any operating system other than Windows.

I recommend Mac OS X. It's [i]never been infected[/i]. Not once. Seriously-- Never. Been Infected.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You do of course realize that your "fix" is utterly impracticable?

Jack Hamilton said...


Jack Hamilton said...


Anonymous said...

It works for me, Rodger-- and it could work for you.

As for the larger picture, it won't happen in a day, but if we all do our part it could happen in a decade. I've got a decade.

MitchM said...

The way things are going in the world that's a pretty optimistic viewpoint, not necessarily for you, but for the internet anyway. Sorry I seem so pessimistic but I appear to have misplaced my rose-colored glasses.

MitchM said...

P.S. Love the new quote Rodger.

Linda Sue O'Grady said...

Bah! The majority of the spam used to be on line casinos and that ended.

I wish they would do away with on-line pharmacies too.

Then it would just be porn spam.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try apple but those guys are so damn smug. It's like listening to honda owners tell me what is wrong with my Harleys....

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with your Harleys?

Oh, right-- they haven't won a race in so long that they have to market themselves with "Harley-- dinette set. Harley-- dinette set."

Think about that. No, let me help you: "I'm so old, fat and slow that I have to justify myself by mocking you."

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