Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Farenheit Celsius

Bake for One Hour at 350° F, or C

It shouldn't make any difference

Al Gore is The Nutty Professor
BRUSSELS -- As the world gets hotter, millions of people will suffer from hunger, thirst, floods and disease unless drastic action is taken, the bleakest report yet on global warming said yesterday.

"Don't be poor in a hot country, don't live in hurricane alley, watch out about being on the coasts or the Arctic, and it's a bad idea to be on high mountains with glaciers melting," Stephen Schneider, a Stanford University scientist and study co-author, said.

All regions of the world will change, with the risk that nearly a third of the Earth's species will vanish if global temperatures rise just 2 C above the average temperature in the 1980s and '90s.


I grabbed the first example I found,  but you can find similar nincompoopery anywhere the name ''Gore,'' or ''UN'' is associated with the word "temperature." Here's today's science.

To convert Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius:

  • Begin by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit number.
  • Divide the answer by 9.
  • Then multiply that answer by 5.

Ergo, the last cited paragraph is actually saying

All regions of the world will change, with the risk that nearly a third of the Earth's species will vanish if global temperatures rise just 67.6° F above the average temperature in the 1980s and '90s.

At my advanced age it's quite normal for me to forget why I opened the refrigerator, so correct me if I'm wrong here - I mean this seems so patently obvious that I smell a trap - but it seems to me that last people to heed about things scientific are those this careless with 2nd grade nomenclature.  And that's just for starters.
And the trap was ....
The formula you used is to calculate the actual temperature on the Celsius scale given a corresponding temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. But if you are just talking about a 2 degree increase Celsius, that would be equivalent to a 3.6 degree increase Fahrenheit. So the sentence would read: "All regions of the world will change, with the risk that nearly a third of the Earth's species will vanish if global temperatures rise just 3.6° F above the average temperature in the 1980s and '90s."


Anonymous said...

I'm no Gore apologist, but I think you've made a little calculation error. The Celsius scale goes from 0 (freezing point of water) to 100 (boiling point), for a difference between the two points of 100 degrees. The Fahrenheit scale goes from 32 to 212, for a differnce of 180. Therefore, every degree change in temperature on the Celsius scale is equal to 1.8 degrees in change on the Fahrenheit scale. The formula you used is to calculate the actual temperature on the Celsius scale given a corresponding temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. But if you are just talking about a 2 degree increase Celsius, that would be equivalent to a 3.6 degree increase Fahrenheit. So the sentence would read: "All regions of the world will change, with the risk that nearly a third of the Earth's species will vanish if global temperatures rise just 3.6° F above the average temperature in the 1980s and '90s." Not that I'm agreeing with the underlying premise of the statement.

Anonymous said...

The math is off a little. Based on your figures, one degree C is 34 degrees F. Its closer to two to one. Thats just a ballpark figure.

B....... said...

Agree with anonymous (anonymous) 3.6 is the answer. We are all doomed - unless of course we consume mass quantities of GoreZown Snake Oil.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Rodger, how can you be such a fuktard and still make me so horny?"

Sister Edna, upon handing my D- arithmetic quiz back.

MitchM said...

The Earth's temp has risen and fallen many times and lots of species have survived (the fittest) the trick is to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

so, tell me again why its not 2.12 degrees F for each degree C?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, it isn't 2.12 degrees because water doesn't freeze at 0 farenheit, it freezes at 32. Now a little quiz... You're naked and have to run outside to get the mail. It is 40 below zero outside. Would you prefer that to be 40 below zero farenheit or 40 below zero centigrade?

curmudgeon said...

Ah, they're the same.

But how many Kelvin's is that?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Dr. Algore or even any of the REAL scientists know what Earth warming will bring to us in weather changes so my guess is just as good as their's. The Earth has surely gone thru weather changes of higher and lower temperatures over and over again for billions of years. I believe that a warm up should cause more evaporation of sea water and therefore all precipitation should increase. More rain where it rains and more snow where it snows. Perhaps some new areas would start to receive measurable amounts of rain or snow causing new growth of plants but not very likely as the topogrophy can't and wont change fast enough to cause a change a shift in the precipitation patterns.Old growth areas SHOULD show an increase. Ultimately there will be some gainers and some losers. Mother Nature really doesn't give a damn and wont take sides.She will however,survive,and press on forward unto the next change,as she has done in the eons of time past that experience has taught her how to do.

Anonymous said...

another photo-s-master-piece


Anonymous said...

How many Kelvins indeed?

And whatever happened to Hobbes?

And despite the latest warning from the world's-a-burnin' crowd, you can bet there will still be a half dozen people who get lost on glaciers. The good news is that we just have to wait for a few years to find the bodies, since the snow will all melt. But I'm pretty sure hell will freeze over before that happens. Oh, I never heard Ally Gorey talk about that.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as an average global temperature.

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