Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gun Nuts and South Park

Gun Nut Tactic Aborning?

Heard on the radio this morning news that a couple of co-eds (from nearby Radford University, I think) are talking about their contact with VT killer Cho-swing-nut. Evidently he behaved poorly with them. The reporterette made this jump (from memory, but take it to the bank for content).

And Phil, you have to wonder what would have happened if either of these girls had reported Cho's harassment to police. With that on his record, he would have been unable to legally purchase the handguns ...

That sent me flaccid. If I was Trey Parker, I'd have this South Park episode in production.

Gun nuts file sexual harassment charges against every South Park resident, which effectively imposes a total proscription against the sale or possession of hand guns in the town. Mr. Garrison is reported by himself, Ms. Garrison. Even Officer Barbrady must give up his side arm. The only exception is Cartman ... . Developing Hard.

Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a contact for Trey Parker? He needs to read the story link to come up with it for himself!

Anonymous said...

That's closer to the truth than you might expect! Want to know how little it takes to lose ALL your firearms?

Have your spouse call the police and say the magic incantation: "he pushed/slapped/attempted-to-hit me." Presto -- that's spousal abuse and gives the police authority to remove all firearms from your home.

BTW, this is a very common retribution/punishment tactic used by women seeking divorce.

Firearm ownership is moving from a right to a privilege.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And you can't get back by beating them either.

Gayle Miller said...

He set a fire in his dorm room, stalked female students who live din his dorm, so-creeped out one of his professors and fellow students in French class that the professor had him bounced from her class by threatening to resign, and he was committed for mental health issues.

Just what do you need to do to prove you shouldn't have a gun permit?

Now I am a definite NRA supporter, but dudes - guys like Cho only make life more difficult for the sane among us!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

With that bill of particulars, Cho should be strapped, still, to a gurney someplace. The fact is, a lot of innocents are at risk of having false charges levied though.

Anonymous said...

Here's a solution to two problems with one stroke: Henceforth all college professors must be weapons trained and carry small arms on their person at all times to protect themselves and the students......Benefit and solution to second problem: Lefty,anti-gun,pinko instructors should resign and vacate the premises rather than be forced to pack heat.

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