Thursday, April 19, 2007

Harry Reid and Cho

Chapter XXV

This is a chapter from a novel I'm writing.

''Okay, I'll admit it. Sometime Monday evening I caught myself wishing that Cho Seung-Hui had been a Senate page when the screw holding his lunatic brain fell completely out. Far fewer people would be grieving today. I didn't say it because ... I had control. That's gone as of 10 minutes ago when I saw this Drudge Banner.

Harry Reid ought to be removed from office today. He is not the elected leader of this nation. Nancy Pelosi does not run the State Department. Members of congress have a right to debate, but once a decision as grave as war is made, that right ends. And don't tell me it wasn't debated. Iraq was the principle topic during the 2004 presidential election. Harry's side lost. Again.

Now we have another nut running around in
Juicy's neighborhood. WTF? Somebody buy him a ticket to D.C. where he can do some good. There are about 12 million people waiting to hear that something has started in D.C. They're thinking, ''when it starts, I'm going.'' That's my sense anyway.

While I'm in high dudgeon, here's another thing. I'm sick of hearing about "healing" at Virginia Tech. You want to hug, okay, but taking Seung-Hui's corpse from the morgue and stringing it up on a campus tree will provide a hell of a lot more closure. Nobody seems to want to say it but, like Reid, Cho was vermin. A killer killing his own. String his corpse up and let anybody who wants to beat it with a bat, ax, or scythe. Shoot it with arrows, shotguns or bazookas. Douse it with gasoline and torch it. Piss on the fire. It's what his memory deserves. Throw his remains down an outhouse hole someplace where people can continue to soil him for years.

Then go get your hug. ''

Still not satisfied, Col. Danger shut off his word processor, donned his flight suit and headed for the hanger that housed the F-22.

What do you think? I think it might be a bit melodramatic.


Anonymous said...

Hell I love it.There are millions waiting all we need is a spark a leader that tells us to get the shotguns and pitchforks and head for the senate office building and start with those Peckerheads first. make Harry numero uno.

Anonymous said...

Here in Las Vegas, Rory Reid(Harry's son) is a county commissioner(chairman even) and one day I was watching the public access channel with the proceedings live from the commission. Someone needed a variance for a parking lot and they explained why, then Rory asked them to explain it again, they did. Rory then said he was unclear on some details so he asked for another explanation and a representative from another party involved did so, and then, you guessed it he wanted some clarification. The clerk who is typing this proceeding looks at his info and explains the whole thing. The facts were cut and dry, need a parking lot, can we have permission, no one objects, it's passed all inspections. An ten year old with ADD could grasp it (I ran it past my nephew who is 10 and does, he got it the first time). Point is, this is a family with a really shallow gene pool...that thinks it's full of braniacs. I'm so sad I'm from here.

Anonymous said...

Calling Reid and Cho vermin is unfair to vermin. Fetid puss, leper phelm, oozing putrisance maybe.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you Rodger - from the beginning to the end. Comforting to know I'm not alone and that you say it so much better.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with Col. Danger. So all that healing stuff that should be applied to Cho, can be applied to the enemies within DC? Simple justice. Since the war is already lost they'll be asleep upon our arrival. Sign me up!!

Anonymous said...

i think your dead on as ususal.

similar reaction to REID's wishful thinkning.

what a coward.

if a Democrat were POTUS, Reid would be telling the USA how wonderful everything is...

imagine a US SENATOR, hoping for the defeat of the USA, having no regard for the millions of lives in the balance.

as pathetic as they come.

Pelosi is a perfect match for this piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

My novel ends...

She sniffled, "Colonel Doug Honey, there's still a couple'a Senators left." He looked down into those sparkling hazel eyes of hers, teary with giggling. Slowly he squatted and carefuly plucked from her Barney T-shirt a dollop of the thick, soft tar and a stray feather which stuck out of it like a quill pen ready for some new Declaration of Independence. "It's okay, Missy," he said, "We need them for a quorum."

Anonymous said...

On continued thought, there must be more singing of our national anthem..

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Do Libs even understand the importance?? God save us from them, the enemies within.

Linda Sue O'Grady said...

Thank you Rodger, that is a brilliant little bit of writing and reading it made me feel just a little better.

Anonymous said...

Senator Harry Reid...Able to whistle and tie his shoes at the same time!...Next challenge,pouring the milk over his Froot Loops!...Continuing the daily battle to become the equal of the village idiot....Not much chance there,but c'mon everybody,let's give him an 'E' for emptyheaded.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The sumbitch must really have been getting heat. he went to the Senate floor to say he didn't say what he said. Freaking liar.

Anonymous said...

Ichabod Crane brain farts again.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Reid should be in prison if there was any justice why don't this bastard go spend about a week with a platoon of Rangers in Anbar province why not just lock the scum sucker in a room with some Rangers and promise there identity will never be known. This scum does not care about the resulting holacaust that his insane actions are going to set off and when it occurs he will say"twernt my fault it was gonna happen any who? All for the desire for power God save us alive.

Anonymous said...

Yep Jack, you pretty much summed it up right. Someone ought to have a running count somewhere with estimated lives lost due to these peckerheads with their pictures next to it.

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