Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mexican Contempt

Illegal Mexican Filth

In the truest sense


I spliced and diced segments from three videos offered here that demonstrate the contempt Mexican illegals have for the United States, including a "bowel movement. "

" Don't Drink The Water: Illegals defecating on American food and streets!

ALIPAC Note: We have received many similar reports about this from around the country, but this is the first time we have received a newspaper article about it that documents this concern with a store owner and officials in three cities.
A popular contemporary Mexican rock song lyrics say "On their wall I will (defecate)" This song/video and translation are provided with the videos. The band "El Tri" is very popular in Mexico and have been compared to the Mexican version of the Rolling Stones. HBO 'comedian' George Lopez says that illegals are defecating on produce to show their contempt for Anglo Americans. 

Inspector Jack


Anonymous said...

this seems to be encouraged by the anti-AMERICAN-ANGLO MEDIA, which depicts the USA in the worst light...

while publically supporting, lying, manipulating for the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

People had better wake up or this nation is doomed. We can save the nation from terrorist and that is very important but if we do not stop this silent invasion we willbe destroyed a hell of a lot quicker. the sad part many Americans simply refuse to open there eyes to it.

Anonymous said...

I had to stop it about 3 minutes in, I got so mad. It's sphincters like Lopez that make Cracker-Americans think badly of immigrants, legal and illegal. Now that knob gobbler is on my No Watch list.


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