Friday, April 20, 2007


Obsession Victory

Inspector Jack sent this story with the comment "a ray of hope.."  Yup.  This is a 12 minute version of Obsession.
Last fall, Pace University student Michael Abdurakhmanov tried to hold a screening of Obsession, a documentary about radical Islam, on his campus. Hoping to show that Islam is home to moderates as well as extremists, and that it is important to distinguish between the two camps, he unexpectedly found himself beset by opposition. Muslim students angrily rejected the idea. University administrators took an even harder line, with the school’s dean ominously warning Abdurakhmanov that showing the film could be considered a “hate crime,” and intimating, less than subtly, that police might be invited to sift through his personal record.

Now Abdurakhmanov has received restitution in a big way. Not only has Pace president David Caputo tendered a personal apology to Abdurakhmanov for the school’s strong-arm tactics, but yesterday marked the first-ever “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Day ... .”  [Continued Front Page]


Anonymous said...

That video is exceptionally scary, in fact it makes me wonder if there is a connection to Radical Islam and the leftist agendas. And if there is a connection, is there an irrefutable way to prove it, so we on the right can expose the lefties for how evil they truly are.

OregonGuy said...


Ima adding it.

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