Congressional Democrat Insurrection |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Congressional Democrat Insurrection |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Go for it!
It's about time these hypocritical arrogant sons of bitches got shown the difference between right and wrong!
Face it kids, our current crop of republican reps haven't got the balls of a hamster. Jesus H Christ, if I was a republican senator, I'd *ucking knock the living shit out of Harry Reid for his dispicable comments yesterday. That MoFo would be afraid to see me ever again. I mean it, I would lay his boney ass out, that's how pissed off I am today.
And yet today, after this scum sucking piece of crap stabs our troops in the back, not a peep out of one republican, NOT A ONE. The only set of nuts up there belong to Dick Cheney. And he's gotta be tired of carrying all the GD water for this administration.
Or how about ONE, JUST EFFING ONE of the current crop of republicans seeking the nomination piping up? And you think a little thing like the Constitution matters to these muthers when there's a way to increase their power? You gotta put down the pipe because we should change the name of our party to the Grand Old Doormats.
Why do you think they went after Tom Delay? Time after time?? Because he was one of the only republicans who effing gets it. Who knows how to fight these lying, traitorous dems.
I can not imgine WTF it's going to take to meet on the Mall with pitchforks. Two weeks ago, my jaw dropped open when I read Pelosi was going to Syria. I thought that was an all timer. And now the asshats top it and not A GD PEEP.
Relax MM, we just have to wait until a level of intolerable disgust is reached in a large enough percentage of the populace. Probably not too long now. Ask 10 people how they feel about it. I'm pretty sure the word digusted will be used at least by half.