Friday, April 20, 2007

Yale bans stage weapons

Oh Cruel Paper Cut

Mewling Yale Pumpions

Watching Liberals act foolishly in response to every bump in the road is suddenly tedious. Used to be good for a laugh, but no more. I guess because I'm on a war footing, and don't want to allow myself to show mercy on the field of battle. Listen to this, via Powerline.
Weapons to go offstage
Trachtenberg cites Virginia Tech attack

In the wake of Monday’s massacre at Virginia Tech in which a student killed 32 people, Dean of Student Affairs Betty Trachtenberg has limited the use of stage weapons in theatrical productions.

Students involved in this weekend’s production of “Red Noses” said they first learned of the new rules on Thursday morning, the same day the show was slated to open. They were subsequently forced to alter many of the scenes by swapping more realistic-looking stage swords for wooden ones, a change that many students said was neither a necessary nor a useful response to the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

According to students involved in the production, Trachtenberg has banned the use of some stage weapons in all of the University’s theatrical productions. While shows will be permitted to use obviously fake plastic weapons, students said, those that hoped to stage more realistic scenes of stage violence have had to make changes to their props.

Trachtenberg could not be reached for comment Thursday night.  [continued Yale Daily News]


Anonymous said...

Another feel good idiot.

Anonymous said...

Bang! Now fall down. I said BANG!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yeah....that'll work.

Anonymous said...

Halt. Halt, I say! Or I shall rain harsh invectives upon your ears and tell Mommy on you.

Oh, O.K. So John Cleese did it better.

KeesKennis said...

Don't you think those scary crosses on their bibs should have be removed as well?

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