Muslim Plot to Blow Dix Foiled. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Blowing Dix
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Why are these assholes being arraigned? They're enemy combatants. Put 'em on the night train to Camp Gitmo.
Casca -
5/8/07, 4:11 PM
Anonymous said...
We can thank BJ Clinton for bombing the Christians in order to save the Jihadi's. I don't know who to thank for bringing the Jihadi's over to the States. I'm guessing W had a hand in it.
5/8/07, 4:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Not being recognized soldiers under international laws beloved of Liberals, they should have a military drumhead hearing, and if guilty, be shot. ACLU, civilian judges, journalists and other bleeding hearts need not apply.
I'm a little upset that the methods used to catch them and the mistakes they made are now public knowledge, thanks to MSM and somebody's stupidity. Other than the fact that they were caught, why does any information about them have to be public? You can bet the next set of MFCS Islamists won't make the same mistakes.
They want to see Allah; fine, help them along ASAP. MFCS.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
5/8/07, 4:29 PM
Anonymous said...
See, once more someone was paying attention. But wait, the libs will start saying these fine gentlemen had their right to privacy invaded. After all they were only exercising their 1st and 2nd ammendment rights on DVD. Now personally I go out in the desert and shoot, I also have one of those t-shirts with Mohamud w/bomb on head. What do you think would happen if I ran into one of these dinks while out shooting. Hint: I've been shooting for hunting and self defense and combat since I was 5. That's over 36 years worth and I'm pretty good. We all have to do our part to make this a better world you know.
5/8/07, 6:08 PM
Anonymous said...
We bombed the hell out of the serbs for the moslem albianian drug dealers Good move bowells ,that being Willie Clinton. Just great. Just great. Now shut down that frigging border. -
5/8/07, 6:38 PM
- gregor said...
way too close to home. Dix is only a half hour or so away, I drive past it every day on my way to work in Cherry Hill, where the barbarians live. I think it's time to mount the fifty cal in the bed of the pickup.
5/8/07, 7:01 PM
Anonymous said...
You are exactly right Jack. What really pi**es me off the most is that these f*cking back stabbing mofos have no comprehension of the concepts of 'loyalty' and 'gratitude'.They can come to this country and be prosperous,enjoy the good life,spend their days in comfort and happiness, and still devote their time and energy to trying to cause pain,death and destruction.I have already given up on these people who obviously have been taught since childhood these precepts,and all the kindness,brotherhood and generosity in the world is NOT going to change them....I'll stick to what I said a while back.We have GOT to cut off completely any further Muslim immigration.We DON'T have to accept people of a religion who's philosophy is to hate and destroy anyone NOT a Muslim.
5/8/07, 7:11 PM
Anonymous said...
JH, JMcD, I love your comments, it's some much like looking in my own head(without the clutter and not as much anger). However we are going to keep letting them because of all the liberal bleeding heart SOS until ultimately we have to mow them down in the streets when they rise up en mass. One advantage we have is they really don't comprehend the # of people & weapons that will turn out to deal with them. Suprise MoFo's.
5/8/07, 7:21 PM
Anonymous said...
P.S. thanks Rodger, more fame, now I can drive with suspended license and ignore judges orders and try to get pardoned by the Governator. Jeez this country reminds me more and more of Rome just before the fall.
5/8/07, 7:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Gen...Enjoy enjoyin with ya.
5/8/07, 7:35 PM
- Linda Sue O'Grady said...
from Yahoo News:
One defendant, Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, spoke of using rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons to kill at least 100 soldiers, according to court documents.
"My intent is to hit a heavy concentration of soldiers," he was quoted as saying. "You hit four, five or six Humvees and light the whole place (up) and retreat completely without any losses."
"It doesn't matter to me whether I get locked up, arrested or get taken away," another defendant, Serdar Tatar, was alleged to have said. "Or I die, it doesn't matter. I'm doing it in the name of Allah." -
5/8/07, 9:17 PM
Anonymous said...
We can all thank Arlen Specter and Ted Kennedy. These two keep increasing the amount of visas available to mooselimbs. IIRC they've doubled them over the last 3 years.
5/8/07, 9:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Internment camps right F'n now!
Boazo -
5/8/07, 10:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Real glad they stopped these bastards...Grateful they didn't rip off a fort.
5/9/07, 9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
You know how it is when a bunch of Muslims get together and start ripping off forts.
5/9/07, 4:16 PM