Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Canadian Pussies

B.C. rodeo nixes roping, wrestling and milking events

VANCOUVER -- Stung by criticism from animal-rights activists, a popular suburban Vancouver rodeo has eliminated four marquee events from its future program.

According to the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association, Cloverdale is the first rodeo in Western Canada to dramatically change its program to mollify animal-rights activists.

The four events, which are considered the most cruel, include: calf-roping, team roping, steer wrestling and a cow-milking race.

Mr. Leschiutta said he hopes peace can be reached between rodeo organizers and animal-rights activists, saying his organization is willing to listen and make changes to ensure that animals aren't mistreated.

"The times have changed," Mr. Leschiutta said. "The ability to do and be what we were has to be reviewed."


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see the Animal rights fags try that in Alberta.... On second thought I really truly would, because they'd change the events, to Hippie wrestling, hippie hunting, and hippie burial.

btw. I hate to sound like a broken record, but we need to stand up and take real action against the left, because ridicule is not strong enough.

Anonymous said...

The CSMF-MFers, this is BS, next will the be the Calgary Stampede. I hold in the highest contempt the CPRA for cow towing to this kind of pressure. This bullshit better not fly here in Calgary.
What happened to Cowboys. Effing Pogues.

Nice surrender "The ability to do and be what we were has to be reviewed" Mr. Leschiutta you are a waste of skin. Those who would follow you and agree with this line of reasoning, and thinking are weak minded,and afraid. You are not Cowboys, you are metrosexuals, you belong in the city getting manicures and Breck Girl hair cuts.

Anonymous said...

At least they didn't get rid of bull ridin'. I like goin' to PBR events and watch the bulls jump when they open the chutes.

Anonymous said...

Well, you knew what was coming just as soon as them boys went up on 'Brokedick Mountain' and started raising sheep and raising doubts.Prolly cashin in their Levi's for 'Eddie Baurs' was a sign of what was coming......Seriously, why aren't the cowboy people telling these peckerheads to go pack a wagon wheel up their ass.

skh.pcola said...

".Seriously, why aren't the cowboy people telling these peckerheads to go pack a wagon wheel up their ass."

My tummy hurts now from laughing at that. heeheehee!

Anonymous said...

We actually had a glimmer of hope here in Colorado in the never ending PC wars.

The Blue Parrot, since it's founding 80+ years ago by an Italian couple had on it's menu, The Wopburger. Well some east coast transplant came in, saw it and was outraged. Made threats, blahblahblah.

The 70 year old son of the original owners told him to kiss off. To the hearty applause of every one here.

Anonymous said...

I like the 'brokedick mountian' line. My favorite is 'gunfight at the KY corral'.

skh.pcola said...

If we had prizes for best comment, I would nominate JMcD for the above. I'm still laughing when I see it. Chortling, even.

Anonymous said...

The Frisco Freaks hold a gay rodeo every year. From what I understand they have bull milking contests. Suck that ride... er Ride that sucker, uh. Nevermind.


Anonymous said...

I love your photoshop! You are SO funny with the stick ponies. :D

Back in the early 80's while living in Reno, we experienced two memorable events.

The gay rodeo was *coming* to town. Not my favorite idea a city be noted for. I had not heard of one before, even in S.F.
But, the best...was helping to vote in Mills Lane as county D.A.. What a hero that guy was for the every day citizen compared to what was going on legally in CA at the time. Judge Rose Bird ring any bells out there?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! what a light-weight, Mr. Leschiutta sounds French, where's your white flag??

Anonymous said...

Funniest comments ever!

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