Friday, May 25, 2007

Dicksy Chicks

Dicksy Chicks
"Does size matter?"

A waiter with a rubber dong tests the waters.
Replica Penis shown.


Anonymous said...

Size matters. And I got the biggest swingingest dick on the Intertubes.
Anyone who thinks different, should step up, and meet the Dem plan to shorten eyesight. Consider Hillary, Michael Moore, and Rosie in a threesome.

Anonymous said...

The ladies who say size doesn't matter, are probably... uh... lacking experience.

It's the intellectual stimulation of this blog that keeps me coming back every day, Rodger. Well, that and the nekkid pics.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I don't do 'nekkid' pictures here because they draw an undesirable clientèle and inane commentary. :)

Anonymous said...

Your video has been linked by
Not that I visit that site, but... damn!
Ooookay, but just checking for your vids, Rodge.

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