Scott Fraser, vice president of SBT (holdings) Co
Ltd., demonstrates an 'e-cigarette',
which activates light and vapour,
in Hong Kong May 9, 2007. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
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HONG KONG (Reuters Life!) - It feels like a cigarette, looks like a cigarette but it isn't bad for your health.
A Chinese company marketing the world's first "electronic" cigarette
hopes to double sales this year as it expands overseas and as some of
China's legions of smokers try to quit.
Golden Dragon Group Ltd's Ruyan cigarettes are battery-powered,
cigarette-shaped devices that deliver nicotine to inhalers in a bid to
emulate actual smoking.
"The nicotine is delivered to the lungs within 7 to 10 seconds," said
Scott Fraser, Vice President of SBT Co. Ltd., the Beijing-based firm
that first developed the electronic cigarette technology in 2003 and
which is now controlled by Golden Dragon.
The cigarettes sell for around 1,600 yuan ($208) apiece and are already
available in China, Israel, Turkey, and a number of European countries,
but not yet the United States. [more]
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My personal opinion is if you really want to stop smoking, you'll
do it without smoke-toys. Before I actually kicked it
for good, 7 years ago cold turkey - and I am not making this up - I once found myself wearing a nicotine patch while simultaneously enjoying a bagette of SKOAL twixt cheek and gum, and smoking a Marlboro Light. Was I alarmed, or ashamed of myself? Not at all. I found
some old prescription nicotine gum and added that to the mix.
Anyway, here's why I'd consider buying this gadget. Planes,
restaurants, elevators. That's the way I am. Anti-smoking
activists are among the most obnoxious people on planet Earth.