Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Oh yeah, they knew


Anonymous said...

Perhaps. But these are two of the weirdest residents the earth has ever seen:

"Bobby Trendy" (the interior designer who ruined Anna Nicole's bedroom) and the fat-lipped Queen too horrible for American Idol all in one video.

It's like a showcase of what's wrong with America.

Anonymous said...

We know our weirdest woman is from planet Frisco. Even the AP is calling her Hanky now, if you accept the hard c:
"Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat and close ally of House Speaker Hancy Pelosi"

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, your voice lesson for today. Hard versus soft c. Think canker, not cancer. Tho with this Pelosi creature, they both do readily come to mind.

My public service announcement for today.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I was talking about the suggestive nature of that poster. Old timers did stuff like that, only nobody acknowledged it. It was better that way.

MitchM said...

Hi Rodger, you could've used the pic of pelosi in spacesuit on my site next to that poster. I think it would have been cool.

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