Monday, May 28, 2007

Good Riddance

Cindy is an attention whore , and a
Useless piece of human waste whom
Nobody will miss.
Ta-ta Cindy.


AnnoyedOne said...

I hope Cindy moves to Venezuela to be with her true love Hugo Chavez. It might take some years but eventually they'd both be up against a wall :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. She'll be back to strike out in another inning.

Anonymous said...

Cindy was an embarrassment to the US and the the anti-war movement...she should have stayed home since day 1.


Anonymous said...

Dammit, I thought you were going to tell us that she was dead.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Dayam. Not a code-breaker in the lot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're right Rodger...



Much like all other moonbats.

AnnoyedOne said...

I hear Cindy is going to be in a new TV show.

The Woman from C.U.N.T.

Anonymous said...

This is the final slap or final rebuke of her son. She even states he died for nothing. She will never understand he died for his fellow soldiers trying to save them.
Cindy never served anyone but her own monumental ego. She would not even purchase a marker for her son's grave.
She tosses her country aside and says it is not the country she loved. By her insane standards there is no nation she ever could love. She loves anarchy and her own self rather than an ideal of freedom. The very man she slobbered on is in the process of destroying any dissent of his totalitarian rule. Yet our country that is based on freedom she deplores because everyone will not conform to her ideals. You got a preview of this when she harangued the media for taking her off the front page for one day to report of a very destructive hurricane. She truly fits the description of the Liberal offered by the editor of the American Spectator “She is like a spoiled unruly child and demanding” Those that do not accept her tenets are then maligned and her enemy.

She will not even give this country credit for the fact it does not war for conquest but to right wrongs or to protect our self and others. Her ignorance in regard to this nation is astounding, I believe her mind was poisoned during her hippie years and she never was able to learn or to make common sense judgments. I really think she believes if we stick our heads in the sand and ignore the Death Cult they will leave us alone. She has never loved America as she claimed she has only loved her perverted idea of what America should be and had we followed that course the fact is we would no longer exist. I hope she really does go home or where ever and she insults the life and service of her brave son no more. That she will just spend what is left of the money she got from his sacrifice and leaves my country that I love alone.

Anonymous said...

Jack, you have absolutely nailed Sheehan to the bulkhead...Good work!

MitchM said...

Now maybe her son can Rest in Peace.

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