Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just Freshening Up

I think men have the same visceral reaction
to this as women do to fabric swatches.


Anonymous said...

Day-amm Those are huge bullets. Use?

Anonymous said...

Women get a six foot erection from looking at fabric swatches? Who knew?


Kevin said...

those look like 20mm, so I imagine the armorers are either loading or unloading the magazine of a Vulcan cannon - a six-barreled rotary model that can fire at up to 6,000 rounds per minute and is the standard air-to-air weapon for our fighter aircraft. It's also used on the C-130 gunship for air-to-ground. they don't look big enough to be the 30mm shells used on the A-10 Warthog.

Anonymous said...

If the ladies ask, it's a cigar rolling machine.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, 20mm it is. This new ammo has a higher velocity with a greater standoff distance and it fits well, nice and neat in my Ford F16 Falcon.

Anonymous said...


Is this the machine that loads the cartridges into the belts, rather than the machine that feeds the belts into the gun?

Anonymous said...

Those are 20mm and by looking at the pic I would say that is getting ready to be put back on a C130 platform.That is the auto loading system that feeds the weapon.

Anonymous said...

I do not know where to mention it but here. After Bush's speech today he is flirting with the complete destruction of the Republican party and any kind of decent legacy for his administration. It just blows my mind that for some reason he cannot see the fact that he is wrong on this amnesty garbage and he is tearing the Republican party to shreds. He is I fear falling to the level of a Jimmy Carter and taking the GOP with him.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I see that Newt called Bush the Republican party's Jimmy Carter. I see Richard Nixon Not the phony-baloney Watergate brouhaha Nixon, but everything else. Expansion of government, but competent war president. Next to Gore or Kerry, we have been blessed to have him. How's that for a left-handed compliment?

Anonymous said...

I guess That could be considered a compliment in some back handed fashion. I have never been so frustrated in all my life. I am astounded at the total dis connect and the way this administration has come unraveled. Also Linda Chavez can kiss my ass from now on. What a rank hippocrit when the jamacians were coming into the country illegally she was for shipping them back but now that it is hispanics that are violating our laws she sings a different tune. Right or wrong does not matter to her nor the law.

Anonymous said...

41 - "It's the economy Stupid."

43 - They're ILLEGAL Stupid.

Kim du Toit said...

I have a couple of those 20mm things floating around... now all I need is the Vulcan, and the coordinates for the La Raza HQ.

Anonymous said...

A bolt action version is available....

Anonymous said...

Roger, even the 20mm chain loader hardly brings a smile and I love good ammo especially when it is inteneded for the murderers in Iraq. The bible teaches me to pray for my enemies and I can do that, but when I see the President grinning and back slapping with Ted Kennedy I almost explode. Does he not hear what Kennedy and Pelosi say about him? Has he no pride or since of decency? This is when I begin to question all politicians and wonder if there is one real conviction about anything among the whole lot in either party. Aaaaargh.

Anonymous said...

You'd be surprised how fast ammo handling can get old, when you're doing it all day long. Even the ammo crate smell can start to stick in your throat after a while.

Anonymous said...

If you look real close, you'll see Adam Gadahn's name written on a few of the rounds.

Anonymous said...

I especially like the name on his uniform (LIKKALA) Lick Allah. Is that PS'd Rodger or just a beautiful coincidence.

Anonymous said...

GenCpl Rilerite, TechSgt. Lakkala is for real.

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