Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Man Who Caused 9-11

Jimmy Carter: Profile in Incompetence
The fact is that Jimmy Carter could not have done more to damage our national security had he been a hand-picked mole planted in the White House by the KGB.
On Monday Investors Business Daily began a 10-part series on Jimmy Carter, "The Worst President in American History."  One of the challenges we Americans face in making a determination over who was worse. is reconciling Carter's performance with Clinton's.   My solution has been to  categorize Crater as  legally sane during his four-year tenure, whereas Clinton was/is clearly a Sociopath. Yes, Carter is quite insane now, but that came after years of bitterness and self realization drove him into that dark place.  Anyway, only fools will disagree that two crib deaths would have been a national blessing, albeit one we wouldn't be able to celebrate. Here are clips from the first installment (Part 3 is due later today)

We didn't think we'd see the day when a president-elect of France would be more appreciative of America's role in the world than one of our own former presidents. But here is Carter telling the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that President Bush's "administration has been the worst in history," one that has "endorsed the concept of pre-emptive war even when our own security is not directly threatened."

Later, Carter called his comments "careless or misinterpreted." But given a chance to retract, he didn't. Apparently the man whose idea of leadership was to sit in front of a fireplace and blame everything on America's "malaise" does not consider Islamofascists turning passenger jets into manned cruise missiles and flying them into skyscrapers a direct threat.

Nor does he consider himself responsible for the chain of events that gave us not only 9/11, but al-Qaida, the Taliban, Hezbollah and a nuclear Iran and North Korea.


1977 EsquireOn taking office in 1977, Carter declared that advancing "human rights" was among his highest priorities. America's ally, the Shah of Iran, was one of his first targets, with Carter chastising him for his human rights record and withdrawing America's support.

One of the charges was that the Shah had been torturing about 3,000 prisoners, many of them accused of being Soviet agents. Carter sent a clear message to the Islamic fundamentalists that America would not come to the Shah's aid. His anti-Shah speeches blared from public address systems in downtown Tehran.

The irony, as noted by Steven Hayward of the American Enterprise Institute in his book, "The Real Jimmy Carter," is that the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini "executed more people in its first year in power than the Shah's SAVAK had allegedly killed in the previous 25 years." Khomeini's regime was a human rights nightmare.

When Khomeini, a former Muslim exile in Paris, overthrew the Shah in 1979, he established the first modern Islamic regime, a role model for the Taliban and the jihadists to follow. And when the U.S. embassy was stormed that November and 52 American hostages were held for 444 days, America's lack of resolve was confirmed in the jihadist mind.

The wreckage of Carter's foreign policy was seen in the Iranian desert, where a plan to rescue the hostages, a plan never formally presented to the Joint Chiefs, resulted in the loss of eight aircraft, five airmen and three Marines. The rest, as they say, is history.


As we have noted, it was the Ayatollah Khomeini who introduced the idea of suicide bombers to the Palestine Liberation Organization and who paid $35,000 to PLO families who would offer up their children as human bombs to kill as many Israelis as possible.

It was Khomeini who would give the world Hezbollah to make war on Israel and destroy the multicultural democracy that was Lebanon. And perhaps Jimmy has forgotten that Hezbollah, which he helped make possible, killed 241 U.S. Marines in their Beirut barracks in 1982.

The Soviet Union, seeing us so willingly abandon a staunch ally, invaded Afghanistan, and it was the resistance to the Soviet invasion that helped give birth to the Taliban. The Iranian revolution led to the Iraq-Iran War that took a million lives and ... [Help yurself to more]


Anonymous said...

I voted for the bastard because he got us a 14% raise. I was a junior petty officer in the Navy and didnt think beyond me own self interest. Then my nuts dropped and fuzzed over and I started paying attention. Ive been a conservative ever since.

skh.pcola said...

Heh...Freudian slip from the article (Part 1):

" forgo a nuclear weapons program in exchange for a basket of goodies that included oil, fool and, amazingly, nuclear technology."

Anonymous said...

Khomeini introduced the notion of suicide bombers and gave Hezbollah it's bonefidies. Guess that would make him the Tom Edison of Islamofacisim.

Anonymous said...

The a**hole Jimmy Carter, by any other name is still an a**hole!

Anonymous said...

In 23 fun-filled years of Navy service, I only had trouble twice with my military paycheck. Once, we were given paychecks on Friday with instructions not to cash them until Monday. The following month, we were not given paychecks on payday, as there was no money to cover them. Sounds far-fetched, but it's true. And guess who was the Prez? You guessed it: LCDR Carter!

Anonymous said...

When Carter came to office, he discovered that the USG was paying Khomeini to sit in Paris and not make any trouble.

This somehow offended Jimmah's sensibilities, and he ordered the payments stopped.

And the rest is history.

And guys, let's not forget SECDEF Harold Brown who said, "Well, this is what we're doing, and anybody (military) who doesn't like it can vote with their feet."

And they did.

Worst. President. Ever.


Anonymous said...

I was in the USMC during shitheads days in office, oh how I loved the training exercises that consisted of running through the woods of North Carolina, pointing my 16 at the imaginary enemy and yelling "bang bang you're dead". You see there was no money for blanks.

The North Koreans even got to butcher an Army Sgt. at the DMZ and we did f all in response. Strolling down memory lane with Jimmy. With him in mind I believe in retroactive abortion.

I too voted for the little shit after reading all the crap the NY Slimes and CBS had to say about Ronnie.

I evolved to a conservative watching President Reagon restore pride and fear, for and of America.

Michael Madden

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