Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nipples for Fatwa

In the name of allah, your nipple please.

    Al-Azhar University, one of Sunni Islam’s most prestigious institutions, ordered one of its clerics Monday to face a disciplinary panel after he issued a controversial decree allowing adults to breast-feed.

    Ezzat Attiya had issued a fatwa, or religious edict, saying adult men could breast-feed from female work colleagues as a way to avoid breaking Islamic rules that forbid men and women from being alone together.

    In Islamic tradition, breast-feeding establishes a degree of maternal relation, even if a woman nurses a child who is not biologically hers. It means the child could not marry the nursing woman’s biological children.

    Attiya - the head of Al-Azhar’s Department of Hadith, or teachings of the Prophet Muhammad - insisted the same would apply with adults. He argued that if a man nursed from a co-worker, it would establish a family bond between them and allow the two to work side-by-side without raising suspicion of an illicit sexual relation.

Weird Fatwa of the Day


Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm holding out for toe sucking.

Islam is the most repressive culture/religion on earth. What it can't achieve by hatred and violence, it accomplishes through ignorance. The clash of an 8th century culture dealing with 21st century life is as hilarious as it is revolting. Reading these absurd Fatwas is like watching monkeys bark at a jet airplane.

Anonymous said...

What a dispicable bastard. How revolting these sick jerks are and still the rotten sorry democraps refuse to stand up to these animals.

Anonymous said...

Gee, if I can talk her into a breast feeding bet I can talk her into playing hide the 'lahma'. That'll establish a sorta 'family bond', no?

Anonymous said...

What about my request for a fatwa concerning whether or not it's ok for adult men to breast-feed (teat-feed) from goats? Do you think some imam could work it into their "busy schedule" to answer that one?

Moehammud on a camel, what in Aisha's name do you people at the Department of Hadith do all day anyway? This isn't the DMV you know . . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey, boss. I mean... what's the big deal?
I was just tryin' to climb back into her uterus.

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