Rage? |
Here's your rage |
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
complete idiot-ass...
If the mongoloid knew wtf he was talking about, I'd be pissed, but he's just another buffoon who sings and/or plays a guitar. F him...after he's arrested, tried, hanged, and shot.
You know. I used to like RATM, but once I heard of dip shits political views, I was instantly turned off... Same goes for NIN after reading about Trent Trent Reznor's "Goregasim" after watching A Convenient Lie... As well as his being a PETA supporter.
"It's a system that we have to break down generation after generation,". In other words he's calling for the destruction of our country. Either he's another socialist or anarchist. Either way he doesn't deserve to breath the same air as people who believe in freedom. Let's put all these people on ships and send them to Cuba, they can live the Socialist Dream. Wouldn't Castro love that?
P.S. No more sympathy for the Illegals. How dare they DEMAND a path to citizenship. They broke the law coming here and they commit ID fraud extensively. We don't want these CRIMINALS! We don't need them! Screw them and their families. Get Out! We took this country by force the first time & we'll do it again if necessary. Go back and fix your own country. I don't care what race or religion you are, GTFOOMCountry! God bless you and your family and may he keep you safe on your journey back across the border.
Breaking: Tim Russert is an assclown. I just watched 30 seconds of his retardedness on teevee and almost sent some .38s down range. MFCS. David Gregory is a jackass, too.
Hate their views, love their music.
AtheistRight, I never liked NIN or RATM, but did like PJ and SG, same time frame. With much work to do today I motored around with my IPod, luv'n the hell outta Queen, Sublime and Nirvana. Each group has lead personalities with less than admirable traits, however, they freaking rock--and nothing's better than rock-solid American rock'nroll!
I guess as long as they don't sing about killing our president or hating conservatives....I'm with anonymous,"Hate their views, love their music."
Damn! I thought that was a pic of Ziggy Marley at first.
Half of the musicians I used to love have gotten so political that I can't listen to them anymore. Not because they don't have the same views as me. It's just that they are ENTERTAINERS!!! THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ENTERTAIN ME!!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ENTERTAIN ME!!!!
Juice, Queen? Freddie Mercury died with a bunghole the size of a fifty cent piece. My Ipod has Sinatra, Toby Keith, Diana Krall, U2, & Warren Zevon.
Hey, Anonymus!
What can I say? Different strokes for different folks.
*pun intended*
Insult to Freddie Mercury's lifestyle/morality?
Like I stated: less than admirable traits.
'Doesn't dismiss the talent. :=)
Different anonymous slamming Queen than the one with the thoughts on loving their music, I assure you :D
Just another run-of-the-mill ugly, stinking hippie out to punish his parents by being a complete loser.
It looks as though he's had his nose broken at least once before. I'm not ashamed to say that makes me happy.
Say...Wonder if Zack got those bucked teeth fron long hours of sucking 'thumb'.
Can't stand there views or there crap called music.
Hate their views.
Hate their music.
Hate them.
I feel it's like the french boycott. I will not support anyone even if I like their music who uses their fame as a soapbox to spew socialist or anarchistic bile. Oh yeah, that goes for eco freaks too. I'll break a Sheryl Crow CD every chance I get. I always thought she was scuzzy looking ever since I saw her on MTV (way back). The whole hippie look turns me off. Same with the lack of cleanliness. Eew
Zack de la Rocha.....Does HE need any stinkin bachez?
Zack's cousin.The other bandito..I dont